Insteon dimmer bindings


Using the Insteon driver posted in this forum, I have a SwitchLinc device bound to a light in the Home. I examined the bindings (right-click on the light home object, select Properties, select Binding tab). I noticed the SwitchLinc device had two Brightness, two PresetDim, and two PowerState bindable properties displayed. The home object's Brightness and PresetDim properties were bound to one each of the device's Brightness and PresetDim properties. The home object's PowerState properties was bound to one of the device's PowerState properties and the device's other PresetDim propety.

Does anyone else notice this? Is it by-design that the SwtchLinc device is showing two of each of these propeties? I suspect this is unintended and the odd binding of the home object's PowerState is a side effect of this.
This is the first time anyone has noticed this (including me and I wrote the driver). Frankly, I'm not really sure why it's doing this although I suspect it's because the way inheritance works in Premise. The Insteon classes all inherit from the InsteonDevice class. Dimmers inherit from the InsteonDimmer class class which also inherits from InsteonDevice. Relays inherit from InsteonOnOffSwitch and InsteonDevice classes. It might be an artifact of multiple inheritance.

Does it appear to be causing a problem in your installation?

I haven't really exercised Insteon or this driver much yet- I'm just getting started trying out a few things- so I don't really know if this binding will cause problems for me. But if nobody else has noticied problems then I doubt it would cause problems for me.

I noticed that your SwitchLinc600 (and SwitchLinc) class inherits from Dimmer as well as InsteonDimmer (which itself inherits from Dimmer), so that's likey to be the reason that SwitchLinc600 ends up with duplicate properties related to dimmers. Is there a reason SwitchLinc600 inherits directly from Dimmer, given that it will get dimmer characteristics from InsteonDimmer? Or is that perhaps just an oversight?

Thanks for your time and effort in making and maintaining this driver! What a great contribution!

Just FYI, I removed many of the mutliply inherited classes from my installation InsteonMinibrokerDriver. For example, every class that inherited from InsteonDimmer did not need to also inherit directly from Dimmer and InsteonDevice. Similarly, any class that inheritied from InsteonOnOffSwitch did not need to also direclty inherit from InsteonDevice. So far, I've noticed no problems after doing this and it does clean up the bindings.
