Premise "Dim Screen" - How to change its appearance.

Motorola Premise


Senior Member
The HTML code that governs the appearance of "Dim Screen" is tucked away in:
C:\Program Files\Premise\SYS\web\Platforms\Desktop\default.htm
  1. Make a backup of default.htm before you edit it.
  2. Open default.htm with a text-editor and scroll to the very bottom.
How make "Dim Screen" dimmer.
The brightness level is controlled by a command on line 146. Look for:
Increase the Opacity value (from 70 to 85) to get a dimmer screen.

How to eliminate the "Click anywhere on the page to brighten the screen." message:
The message appears on line 151. Delete the entire line or replace it with your own message.

Default.htm is the first page loaded by Premise Browser; to see your changes in action, you have to restart Premise Browser. Simply hitting IE's Refresh button won't work.