Older SA5816 sensors


I am replacing a previous system with an M1.  The existing sensors are all SA5816, but presumably older than the current versions (bigger).
My M1XRF2H registers them, and the System recognizes them.  But that's as far as it goes.  I configured them the same way as I do the newer ones: 
Type 0 = EOL Hardware/Wireless
No option 1 or option 2, PIR on the motions, loop1.
In this configuration the system shows them in fault.  If I check option 1 or 2, the fault goes away, but the system does not recognize when the sensor is activated.
I tried loop2.  System still does not recognize a sensor activation.
Anyone know what the secret is with older 5816?
5816's haven't changed in at least 15 years.
If using the internal reeds, it's going to be loop 2. Sounds like a receiver or configuration issue with your M1. You should be able to see traffic at the receiver when you trip a tamper or similar.