Configuring an SA US2-40 with load control and HLC compatibility?


I recently installed a Simply Automated US2-40 with a ZS25O (4 buttons with 1 rocker) faceplate. This is my first time using the US2-* style product.
The intention was to replace an existing US11-40 so that this location could have scene control as well.
Unfortunately, while trying to configure the US2-40, I found out that it does not have the "Rocker Switch" tab in UPStart that the US11-40's do (just "Transmit Components" and "Receive Components"), and thus it doesn't seem like I can configure it so the rocker behaves like an HLC-compliant dimmer switch.
Is there an HLC-compatible solution for the US2-40 that controls the load and provides status updates to the Omni panel? Or does this require the more involved solution of expanding the dual-gang box to a triple gang, putting the US11-40 back and dedicating the extra gang space to a controller faceplate?
Thanks for any insight / suggestions.
To use a US2-40 for local load control you set the rocker switch to transmit a link and then program the receive area with the same link and carry out the action desired.
That is irrespective of whether or not it is in an HLC setup.
For HLC, the 240 needs to have the proper room unit ID (i.e. replace the 1140 unit number).
Then you program the receive links the same way you did with the 1140. 
When the Omni sees those links transmitted, it updates the status of all the switches (with the proper IDs) in the room.
You can use one of the 6 room links to control the light if you change the default behaviors, or you can use one of the free UPB links reserved for general purposes and add some program lines to maintain the status tracking when using that link.
I do this quite often.
For Instance, in Room 1, Links 1 and 2 are the default Room ON and OFF behaviors, but Links 3-6 are not default Room 80, 60, 40, 20%.
They may be repurposed to control any group of lights in the room at any dim settings.
So, maybe 
3 - Room 50%
4 - Room 20%
5 - Over Head Lights 70%
6 - Table Lamp 60%
It's very flexible. 
Once programmed it is transparent to the Omni whether the switch is an 1140, a 240, a PCS switch, a Western Mountain switch or a Leviton HLC switch.
The Omni will request status updates to the actual states of each switch when it sees any of the 6 links, that's why you can change the default behaviors.
In my example above, links 5 and 6 are only programmed in the receive area of the overhead lights switch and table lamp, so those are the only units that respond.
But the Omni updates the status of all of the units whenever it sees ANY of the links.
So In your case the transmit link settings for the top and bottom rocker will be to turn the local load on and off, and the other 4 buttons will have other functions.
The links used there can be the Room ON and OFF links, if that is the behavior you want the light to perform.
If you use those links the light will respond WHENEVER it receives those links, from WHATEVER source.
Desert_AIP: thanks for the insight!
Seems like the US2-40 may indeed work. I will try to digest the above info and get it working this weekend.