Automation Task


Active Member
I started having a problem the other day. When I use the remote access via a phone, and check my garage door status (open/close), the system is telling me the garage door is always open. I have checked the sensor, and it behaves properly, ElkRP sees the door open and close, etc. For some reason the automation system thinks the door is always open. I tried deleting the rule, and readding it, but that didn't work either. This has worked for years with no problem. The only thing that changed was I moved the garage door from zone 24 to zone 172. I had to do this when I added some wireless devices. I changed the zone assignment in the rules, etc. Any ideas?
What rules would you have to change that have anything to do with showing status of the garage door?
Have you re-sync'd your phone to get the updated configuration?
I'm using automation tasks from my phone. Call my home hit *** the enter your code. Choose automation tasks the. Select the task number. There is a rule that says whenever automation task 1 is activated the n speak the status of zone xxx.
For some reason this has stopped working.
Ah, gotcha. Did you edit the Voice Description of the new zone (172)? Since you said that ElkRP is showing the status correctly, obviously it's reading the sensor correctly.
I've never dialed into mine to use like this before... with the XEP, I just load eKeypad and check the zone status visually:
Ahh, that was it. I had the zone set to say open, when I should have set the rule to (Say Closed / Open). 