WC32 PLC now supports PING function checking ICMPv4


Senior Member
The ping function in new 04.02.09 firmware will reference to the Access Limit first 1-4 enter to ping the host. Then the rest PLC code can reference the PING return value to do any task you like.  This feature is in the new 04.02.09 firmware.  Download link is below:

for wc32 board, this is the new version:

In the PLC program, simply enter:
PING 1 100 VAR1
where the first parameter 1 refers to the first Access Limit address in Network tab
the second parameter 100 is for waiting 100ms
PING result will be set in 3rd parameter, in the above example, that is VAR1. If the return value is -1, ping failed. Otherwise, the number indicated how many machine instruction cycle WC32 has been waiting till reply received.
Please let us know if you have any feedback and bug report.  Thanks.
There is a correction on the 2nd parameter. In this version, second parameter is PING timeout value, the unit is 0.5mS.
In future release, we may change that into 1mS scale.
The 3rd parameter returns a value for actual time to get the PING reply from the other side. it will return 78000 in each second or each number roughly represent 0.01mS response time.
Windows 7 by default not respond to ping.  To ping a Windows 7 computer, it will need to add firewall rule to allow ICMP protocol.
CAI_Support said:
Windows 7 by default not respond to ping.  To ping a Windows 7 computer, it will need to add firewall rule to allow ICMP protocol.
Ah yes, the microsoft "security through obscurity" model.
Not responding to ICMP echo requests does nothing to improve security but it DOES make legitimate troubleshooting harder.
If you are using PING feature, please update to this latest version, in it, ping host list is 1-4 instead of 0-3 in last release.

for wc32 board, download from this link:

Ping host above 4 is not defined.  We will eventually make a separate page with PING host listing and other checking methods.