Read/Write values between webcontrol boards


Active Member
Version 3.02.16 added http GET to be used to set a var on another board, and webset can issue a http GET, but there seems to be an incompatibility in the way data is handled between boards.
I would like to use a webset (or indeed, any other command!) to read a value from another webcontrol board (at the moment, T1 through T5).
I set up webset  as  /gett1.cgi but the board doesn't appear to be understanding the reply.
Is there a way I can do this? (I don't want to PUSH from the source, I want to PULL on demand). If not, perhaps some thought could go into a way to achieve it? Perhaps additional CGI commands on the (source) host could send back an answer formatted for the other WC board to receive?
A "mirror" command would be HIGHLY beneficial. There are conditions where a WC board being able to "mirror" say, temperature sensors from another board and make them "appear" to be local would be very neat!
HTTP GET protocol is not only GET but also PUT.  The WEBSET PLC call is to PUT data on another web server using the HTTP GET protocol.  It does not understand just any thing not specially designed into it. 
To be able to send data from 1st board to 2nd, it might be using WEBSET from receiving board to SETVAR.cgi on one would send, once the sending board seeing that predefined VAR value, it will respond by doing WEBSET to SETVAR.cgi on the 1st board.  The WC does not understand WEBSET return value, since that is only mean for server to formulate the reply.
Yes, I know it doesn't work now, which is why I'm asking if there's any possibility of either better parsing or the introduction of additional means to facilitate it.
I specifically don't want to PUSH data, because it will require changes to long-standing code, on multiple webcontrol boards, and because the device that will need to PULL data may not be in service or running all the time - far better for it (or THEM) to get the data as and when they need it, than attempting to push data to a device that may not be there. Additionally, the receiving device will very likely be changing its IP address frequently, which makes it almost impossible to push to.
We can consider adding that feature in the WC32, but for WC8, it might not be able to add this without taking out something else.