Omni Pro II Task Manager Needed


Active Member
Over the years I have gotten my OP II programs into a circle jerk where the trigger would be reactivated by the action over and over and ultimately the OP II would go off line and freeze up to various degrees. 
I would then blame the problem on other things like the network, & other devices etc. and finally conclude it was my program by reverting back to an older program and then paying close attention to changes I had recently made.
I am also thinking that my system could be slowed down especially on motion sensor/ UPB lighting commands by a more minor circle jerk program fault which doesn't freeze up the OP II but loads it down unnecessarily.
These cyclic programs are very difficult to find.
Is there a Task Manager for the OP II which will show activity like it does for the CPU in windows??
Is there a Task Manager for the OP II which will show activity like it does for the CPU in windows??
Not that I know of.
I have done similiar here getting in an endless never ending circular loop (and also nesting a loop which makes it more difficult to find).
Over the years here have used comments such that I remember the why and what stuff in the OmniPro 2.

You can maybe give HAILogger a try as it'll write everything to a mySQL database and you can run HAI Logger on an RPi if you want - light and easy or any desktop Windows computer.
Not sure if you are using a software add to your Omni Pro 2.  Here I can turn on debug on the Homeseer Omni Plugin.  I also run the ethernet through a micro OpenWRT router where I can watch the traffic chit chat stuff.