REMINDER: OT7 does not automatically update for DST Changes


Active Member
Just a reminder, if the OT7 is installed in a region that still uses DST, the OT7 does not automatically update when daylight savings time ends or begins.  It is necessary to restart all Omnitouch 7 's to have them display the correct time.
<li>If your installation is using a managed PoE switch, simply restart the OT7 port</li>
<li>If using PC Access, you can restart all OT7 's through the software (Communications-> Restart Touchscreens)</li>
<li>Alternatively, when using the local power supply instead of PoE, you could utilize a UPB switched outlet to cycle power</li></ul>
In the US, perhaps one day they will change the NFL football schedule and Congress will do away with DST.