Faster reaction with 5800RPS on Elk


Active Member
Is there a way  for the Elk M1 to detect the 5800RPS as a button press?  It happens to fit perfectly behind my antique doorbells, but unfortunately it seems to ignore a quick button press. 
I am trying to keep the hundred year old doorbells that look like this, but the wiring has disintegrated.  I am also open to other ideas for wireless buttons that can fit behind an antique doorbell.
If the fast loop response doesn't work you can use an Elk-960 to lengthen the closure by having the button trigger it and use its relay contacts as the input to the Elk zone. 
Oddly enough, the problem appears to be that the 5800RPS detects the release of the plunger, not the pressing.   And it doesn't respond to quick presses.
BraveSirRobbin said:
If the fast loop response doesn't work you can use an Elk-960 to lengthen the closure by having the button trigger it and use its relay contacts as the input to the Elk zone. 
Also, I am stuck having to go wireless.  The wiring behind the brick has degraded and it appears impossible to run new lines without doing some serious plaster work.
I see.  I'm not familiar with that wireless brand you are using, but can you detect an Elk rule 'when closed' rather than 'when opened' or whatever equivalent logic is needed for the Elk?
this wouldn't solve your problem of a quick button press though.  Wondering if maybe a hack of a wireless doorbell setup is needed, possibly use your button over the wireless button?