Premise Show All for other items

Motorola Premise


Senior Member
Hi all,

I've got a Premise installation where I'm trying to create a Show All page for Shades. I used a screen relay example to get the shades working. Clicking into a shade gives you Up, Stop, and Down buttons for that specific shade. From the Premise Home page, I've already got all the shades grouped into a Shades "folder" icon. Everything works this way, but it's tedious to raise and lower multiple shades with this approach, because you have to go up a level from the current shade control and select another shade, then back up and select another shade, etc.

What I'd really like to have is a Show All Shades link that would function exactly how the Show All Lights link does (and reside in the same left-side nav choices). I don't simply want a list of shades...I already have that. I want a grid with all the shade names and control buttons on one screen, like when you click Show All Lights and you get dimmer and power controls for all the lights without having to click into a specific light.

I'm not too familiar with every aspect of the builder in the Modules tab, so I'm having trouble understanding how all the pieces fit together to make Show All Lights work. Basically, I don't know if there's a way I can find and copy Show All Lights, and then modify it to use shade relay objects instead of light objects.

Any help or advice would be greatly appreciated. (If this can't be done, I'll have to create a scene or macro for each shade scenario. 3 shades in bedroom respond together, 2 shades in foyer respond together, etc.) I found a few steps to do this on the old Premise forums, but it wasn't detailed enough, and I couldn't seem to figure out how to set the inheritance correctly.

Hi Will,

It's not exactly what you want, but it might be close. Check out the Modules section in the old forum. There is a module called Taskpads, that might do what you're looking for.
