Models 2WTA-B, 4WTA-B, 4WTAR-B, and 4WITAR-B contain a piezoelectric
horn which generates the ANSI S3.41 temporal pattern in an
alarm condition. All detectors on a zone will sound when the power
supply to them is reversed. The RRS-MOD can be used for the power
supply reversal function. The RRS-MOD also enables all the detectors’
sounders on a zone to be synchronized and allows the zone to
be silenced from the panel by entering the alarm silence key at the
NOTE: In order for all i3 sounder detectors on a loop to sound
when the panel alarms, the supply voltage polarity must
be reversed. A reversing relay, System Sensor model number
RRS-MOD, must be used. The RRS-MOD is designed to
allow all i3 Series detectors in the same loop to sound when
one of the detectors goes into alarm. In addition, the RRSMOD
will synchronize all of the i3 Series sounder smoke
detectors on the loop. Some panels may require the use of
programmable outputs. Refer to System Sensor literature
for further information on the RRS-MOD.
NOTE: Only one 2WTA-B detector shall be installed on a zone,
unless the panel switches the zone to a reverse polarity,
non-current limited power supply. For panels that do not
provide this feature, a reversing relay, System Sensor
model RRS-MOD, may be used. When utilized with
the 2WTA-B, it allows for more than one detector to be
utilized on a loop. Some panels may require the use of
programmable outputs. Refer to System Sensor literature
for further information on the RRS-MOD. The 2WTA-B
detector shall not be mixed with other 2-wire detectors on the same zone