Ok, I HAD to break down and get one of the $30 copters. It is a blast! I picked it up at Radio Shack. I really do not like going in there, as no one ever knows anything about anything! The girl kept trying to covince me that I HAD to buy a 9v battery to use it. I carefully read the box before going to the counter, and it said "6AA batteries required, not included". I pointed that out, and she still insisted it needed a 9v battery, because the computer screen was telling her that it did. I gave up trying to convince her, purchased it (
the Helicopter ), and the AA batteries and paid her. I then proceded to take it all out of the box, and guess what no 9v battery REQUIRED

It DOES take some getting used to controlling it, and trimming it out. After about 5 recharges, and 2 hours later, I can take it off from the dining room table, fly around the living/dining room, and bring it back to the table to land.
All was going well, until it landed up on a high ledge (20' cathedral ceilings) by a fake plant. I just have to get "un lazy" and go dig the ladder out of the garage to retreive it