How are UPB bodies programmed? For example, if I were to use the US220(link below) body, with a ZS25B(link below) faceplate, I could use the rocker portion of the faceplate to control a light at the location the switch is installed, and the bottom four buttons to control lights in the rest of the house...Correct? I'm probably going to use Homeseer. What I would like to be able to do is have one of these swtich/faceplate combos by my front door. Use the rocker switch for the main outside light, while using the other buttons to control other outdoor lights, and some indoor lights. Sort of like an "all-lights off" button would be nice too I think. Is this possible with UPB? I was leaning towards ZWave, but after reading more into UPB, it looks very promising.
Are there any pieces of hardware I will need to purchase to gain the ability to program these swiches?
Thank you all for you help!
Are there any pieces of hardware I will need to purchase to gain the ability to program these swiches?
Thank you all for you help!