so I've got all 6 keypads of the concerto mounted in areas that the g/f likes, which in the master bedroom is slightly out of sight of a remote, however she wants to be able to contol it via remote from bed, so I figured I'd mount a ir receiver to the ceiling, which I've done, but now I'm stuck, I want that ir sensor to control just the master bedroom zone for the concerto..
so how can this be done? I believe the concerto system operates at 24v so I can't power the ir reciever from it.. (its a speakercraft) , but can I wire a rj45 into the back of the secondary port in back of the master bedroom keypad with just the ir data and ground connections ? i can power it from normal 12v from the speakercraft connector .. though I think I read that the concerto strips out some data from the ir, or uses some odd frequency, but I'm lost as to how that might be a problem as I'm using the concerto remote to control the concerto, ill try calling kilowatt tomorrow, but I'd appreciate any insight in case someone else has already attempted it, thanks!
so how can this be done? I believe the concerto system operates at 24v so I can't power the ir reciever from it.. (its a speakercraft) , but can I wire a rj45 into the back of the secondary port in back of the master bedroom keypad with just the ir data and ground connections ? i can power it from normal 12v from the speakercraft connector .. though I think I read that the concerto strips out some data from the ir, or uses some odd frequency, but I'm lost as to how that might be a problem as I'm using the concerto remote to control the concerto, ill try calling kilowatt tomorrow, but I'd appreciate any insight in case someone else has already attempted it, thanks!