Which information would you be referring to? Almost
all of my knowledge about Intermatic from came from
either www.zen-sys.com or you web site catalog page 95
and 96 from www.intermatic.com
I also am a frequenter of www.HomeSeer.com and
www.cocoontech.com If you don't mind i would like to
make a suggestion. Z-wave is a hot topic all over
home automation forums. I am one of the biggest
followers of the z-wave technology. I check for new
NEWS articles every day at least 5 times a day. Many
people who have not yet changed over from x10 to
Z-wave have done so for a few small reasons and i
think that with a little bit of interaction with your
customers such as myself you could quickly persuade
allot of people to convert to Z-wave. The biggest
things that is preventing people from making the
change not having 3-way switches and not knowing when
they will be available.
If you company started interacting with it's users i
can almost guarantee you that your sales would raise
instantly. Here is a newly started discussion about
your product which includes a poll and feedback about
why people have not made the change yet.
I myself try to persuade people to make the change
know that if there is a demand then companies like
yours will be able to make a larger variety of
products. One of the other devices everyone is waiting
for in the multi-location HVAC controller.
Please keep us informed on your progress we are all
waiting anxiously for your products. Please
participate in our discussions. Most of the people who
use your products and products like it are very
educated in both hardware and software capabilities
and simply by getting current user input and using it
your company to lead the Z-wave market.
Also check out the HomeSeer forum at
I'm sure you know this but the HomeSeer board and
CocoonTech message boards make up a huge portion of
the Home Automation Users.
I can't stress enough how much it would benefit your
company to simply participate in our web communities.