Anyone using ELK with ViziaRF


Active Member
First, let me ackowledge this is a desparate attempt to get some input on a prior post (

I'm just wondering if anyone has gotten this to work using Leviton's RZCPG controller? Or even if you've chosen the HomePro controller with the viziaRF switches... The elk seems to receieve the devices and i can turn on and off individually. But zones(areas) and scenes (at least as Leviton appears to be implementing them don't appear to be recognized as if they are proprietary?

I know other people have been playing with ViziaRF, but what about in conjunction with the Elk?

thx in advance
I will be soon, but not as of yet. My guess is Elk hasn't done much user testing with the Vizia RF line, or they have and found some things that need to be tweaked and will be announcing the changes after they are made. -- total speculation of course... so I'm not sure why I am even posting. :D

I added a post on the elk forums a while back about the advanced features of Vizia and haven't heard from Elk yet.
I did see that HAI supports the Vizia RF advanced features so I would hope that Elk will be getting on that as well when they get a chance.

edit: fixed grammar
As always, Spanky is the man!!!!

btw - if indeed making the homepro controller my primary controller (instead of Leviton's) works as a workaround, i would entertain it. But only if losing two-way comm would not impact other inter-device functionality (i.e. the fact that when using the 1zone controller/dimmer as a virtual three way device - changing dim levels on either the dimmer or the controller is reflected on the other bi-directionally).

Losing that feature is not an option to me :D

The M1XSP serial port expander will interface to the Leviton Zwave secondary controller in the future. When? Working on it!!
Spanky said:
The M1XSP serial port expander will interface to the Leviton Zwave secondary controller in the future. When? Working on it!!
Ugh, I bought the Elk ZWave module to use with Vizia RF and haven't even taken it out of the box. :lol: I wonder if I can return/swap it for the M1XSP.

On the plus side it's good to hear you're working on it.
Thanks Spanky,

Can you clarify a few things?

1) The Leviton controller i have is the battery poweredremote version - I'm thinking you mean the Serial module (RZC0P-1LW)?

2) I have a spare serial interface lying around - will firmware upgrade be all that is required?

3) Will it support leviton's two-way communication so that turning on a device locally will be registered in the elk?

4) Guessing the zwave unit is not going to work with "scenes" or "zones" on the Leviton stuff then? I like Johnny9 have the elk zwave device :ph34r:

thx as always
The M1XSP will interface to the Leviton Serial Zwave Controller module. Don't know the number.

The goal is to have two way communication.

You will upgrade the software in any M1XSP to interface to the Leviton Controller.

Overall features I am not sure of until all the software is working.
The M1XSP will interface to the Leviton Serial Zwave Controller module. Don't know the number.

The goal is to have two way communication.

You will upgrade the software in any M1XSP to interface to the Leviton Controller.

Overall features I am not sure of until all the software is working.

Spanky, any word on an ETA for the Vizia RF firmware for the M1XSP?

We have just got the basic Zwave Vizia operation up and going with the Leviton serial RS232 secondary controller module interfacing to a M1XSP serial port expander. We have several more things to add.

I asked the question in another thread if anyone knew if the new Levition Vizia handheld primary controller works with the older Homepro Zwave switches. We are having problems getting them to talk to each other.

One nice thing about the Leviton Zwave serial RS232 secondary controller is the M1 can get switch status feedback! :)
Spanky, anyway i can volunteer to be a beta tester ?

i don't have any non-vizia-rf switches but would be happy to test scenes/groups/individual in conjunction with fade rates/turn on for duration/toggle/etc :)

I've got a spare serial expander laying around and would be happy to purchase the vizia's interface (or even trade you my M1XZW for yours - or offer you a good deal on a straight buy-back - HA!)