Arcade Cabinet


Active Member
Nintari's Project: Arcade Machine

I had plans to build an arcade. I already have the controls for it. However, I too was worried about the space it would take up. Now this has sparked my imagination....thanks Tree.
Very cool! (not an attempt to hijack your thread, but might be of interest to some and is related) I built a race cockpit simulator that might be of interest to the video game junkies out there. Connects to my PS2 which is connected to my theater setup - very sweet indeed!


(pre painted)


(after painted)
Now thats too cool, bfisher!

Thats exactly the response I was hoping to elicit...

I dig how it's adjustable and looks like it breaks down for storage.

Now you just need to add some vinyls and a wing to the back ;)
haha - my wife already makes fun of me - the wings would put her over the top! ;)

It is very adjustable - but takes time (couple minutes) to adjust anything other than the length. I have a 6'4" friend that can sit in it, and I'm only 5'9" - and only takes 10 seconds to lift the steering wheel and slide out the pedal base to make it longer.

Also - it does collapse, and I store it on end in a closet under the stairs.

My other hobby (besides automation) is racing. Since it's so expensive to race, I end up doing a fair amount of online racing instead.
Whats your game? Grand Turismo was one that got a lot of play time. I've since switched over to an xbox... been playing Forza Motorsports the past week or so. This was supposed to be Xbox's answer to GT, but.... its not ;) The physics engine is good, but lacks in one major area -- bumping a wall or another car... totally unrealistic!

If you even scrape a wall, there is a good chance that the car will turn 90 degrees, leaving you facing perpendicular to the wall.

Here's an older thread I remembered from last year. These guys did a great job at making a full-scale cabinet. The graphics are top notch.

and some discussion:
GT4 is OK, but overall a big disappointment to me. The never fixed the damage engine so you can bounce off other cars with no worries.

My preferred game by far is Toca Racing (by Codemasters). Fabulous online engine (8 people race together), great tracks, good physics, and a realistic damage engine which rewards clean driving. We do have a league that races regularly (getting ready for a 1 hour endurance race tonight!)
bfisher, what's your "real" race car? I sold my CRX ITA car (SCCA) last year as I wasn't driving enough ;) Maybe someday I'll build another. It was great fun.
I rent my race cars... it's not cheap, but it saves me maintaining and transporting them. I'll drive anything they let me in ;) - mostly Panoz sportscars or open wheel Formula 2000s.
Here's one from when I went through an Advanced Racing School with Bertil Roos. These cars are fun to drive! Highly recommend Roos to anyone interested in getting behind the wheel.

I'm a big xbox gamer as well, and really dig forza and toca 2.

I was thinking about getting one of those rigs for my wheel as well.

I play on xlink a lot, since i got tired of meeting up with obnoxious kids on live.


I play as jmel. look me up sometime!
Avoiding the obnoxious kids that think it's more fun to knock people off track than to race is the reason we formed a league (for PS2 only). We have about 80 drivers - and have rules that prevent the behaviour you find in a typical open session. It's a lot of fun!

I haven't used XLink yet - I've been told it's pretty laggy unless drivers are close to each other... at least with GT4.
Not sure, but it doesn't look that big once you take the bezel into account... I'm guessing 15"...

He did add a custom lighted marquee which is a nice touch.
