Is this still the best software for CarPC's?
Absolutely 100% hands down in the United States... a rsounnding yes. The GUI can be skinned, and it is easy to manipulate to send coordiantes to, bring up menu's, you can change map colors, road colors and widths, font sizes ect. In a poll I did on MP3car, around 600 people filled out the survey, and almost 60% of CarPC users are using iGuidance. The other choices: Map Point, Streets & Trips, Destinator, and other, made up the other 40%.
With version 4.0, there are a few features that people have been wanting iGuidance to do. First the POI database went from about a million, to 6 million. Also text to speech can be used now instead of the .wav files. Meaning "In.... 100 FEET turn LEFT", becomes "In 100 feet turn left on Maple Drive." The other thing they did is to do away with the map loader. It was terrible, as you had to load each state individually, and switch to the one you wanted when needed. The latest version is a continuous map of North America.
It's not perfect, but it does appear that they are listening to what people want, and incorporating it. As far as being touchscreen friendly, this is by far the best choice. iGuidance comes with 3 versions on the disk: a Laptop Version, PocketPC version and the UMPC version. The UMPC is absolutely perfect for a CarPC with the large buttons & fonts.