Note: Here is an exclusive update on CES 2005 held at the Las Vegas Convention Center. Information provided was per notes taken (very quickly) during interviews with the various representatives. Information was "thrown out" at a tremendous pace, thus trying to interpret notes afterward may provide some information that is incomplete or inaccurate. Please keep in mind that the intent of these updates is to introduce our members to new technology displayed at CES and not to provide a "detailed" review of the products themselves.
HAI Booth
I spoke with Ken Piazzi of HAI at their booth.

(Click on Picture for Full Sized Image)
I was mainly interested in their UPB product line. UPB is a new protocal which uses frequency discrimination with a 40 to 60 volt signal in your powerline. It is faster and much more reliable than traditional X-10 signals.
It can co-exist with traditional X-10 systems as long as you keep house codes separate. They currently have a switch line which includes a 600 watt capable 3-way switch. It is three times faster than X-10 signals and they gave a demo of their UPB light switch operating over the Las Vegas Convention Center's house power (which had to be very noisy).
They will include a number of controllers, displays, thermostats, and switches as shown below.

(Click on Picture for Full Sized Image)
HAI Booth
I spoke with Ken Piazzi of HAI at their booth.
(Click on Picture for Full Sized Image)
I was mainly interested in their UPB product line. UPB is a new protocal which uses frequency discrimination with a 40 to 60 volt signal in your powerline. It is faster and much more reliable than traditional X-10 signals.
It can co-exist with traditional X-10 systems as long as you keep house codes separate. They currently have a switch line which includes a 600 watt capable 3-way switch. It is three times faster than X-10 signals and they gave a demo of their UPB light switch operating over the Las Vegas Convention Center's house power (which had to be very noisy).
They will include a number of controllers, displays, thermostats, and switches as shown below.

(Click on Picture for Full Sized Image)