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Dwayne Domi, CEO of RedRadio, Inc gave a demo of his latest RAD-I/O touch screen displays interface product. Basically this product lets you have eight single gang touch screens (which can be located in various rooms of your home or business) from ONE VGA desktop.
The way this product works is it uses an interface card for your PC that then "segments" the desktop into eight areas. Each of these "areas" is then displayed on a touch screen. Therefore what ever is being displayed on one of the eight "segments" of the desktop display will be sent to one of eight particular keypads (one keypad is assigned one of the eight segments).
Each desktop area is rendered real time to each display at 60 frames per second (the speed of the typical desktop). Therefore the refresh rate of the touch pad is rendered as fast as the desktop (on the PC) can draw them.
The interface card reads the desktop pixel by pixel and sends the particular 160 x 240 pixel area to an assigned touch pad display over the cat5e cable.
The touch screen display doesn't know anything about what it is rendering, rather is just displays pixel by pixel from what is being sent by the PC hosting the interface card. In other words the touch screen acts as a "dumb" terminal just rendering/displaying whatever is being sent to it.
The touch screen colors are limited to 512 colors. Plus the desktop will only run 640 x 480 with this current version. Also, no other video card can exist while this special interface card is installed in the PC (it disables any other video card in the PC). The interface card "becomes" the main video card. A VGA output is available on the card to view each area on a monitor.
The beauty of this system is its simplicity and possible integration into a user's existing system. Though pricing wasn't disclosed (Dwayne will work with integrators and users interested in this system) the total cost will be FAR below the cost of having eight individual touch screens (and the PC's required to run them if they are not included with the touch screen device). Plus the maintenance, mounting, and video driving hassles are all much easier with this system.
Developers and users should be able to integrate this system into their existing software. For instance a developer could possibly write integration programs to separate the desktop into the needed eight segments using HTML with frames.
For example an HTML configuration could be run in "kiosk mode" with a frame set document that has eight frames of the right size (160 x 240).
The pictures of the screen shots below were run off of Dwayne's PC which ran a custom script for demo purposes. You do need a dedicated PC to house the interface card and run your particular software application for these touch screen displays (for instance this could be an existing dedicated home automaton server). A Cat5e cable is then run from this interface to each touch screen. No other connection is required for the touch screen displays.
Touch Screen Display Front:
(Click on Picture for Full Sized Image)
Touch Screen Display Rear:
(Click on Picture for Full Sized Image)
Touch Screen Display Side:
(Click on Picture for Full Sized Image)
Touch Screen Displays in Front of a Monitor Connected to the VGA Output of the Interface Card (Note the eight separate areas on the monitor and how each of the touchscreens is showing one assigned area):
(Click on Picture for Full Sized Image)
Another Picture Showing Various Applications Running on the Desktop & TouchScreen Displays:
(Click on Picture for Full Sized Image)
Demo Showing Possible Application Counting Down Exit Time After Arming System From One of the TouchScreens (Rendered to ALL the Touchscreens):
(Click on Picture for Full Sized Image)
For more information visit their Web Site. Also, Dwayne is a regular Cocooner and will be able to answer further questions or help users and developers with their applications and needs to integrate this system.
Dwayne Domi, CEO of RedRadio, Inc gave a demo of his latest RAD-I/O touch screen displays interface product. Basically this product lets you have eight single gang touch screens (which can be located in various rooms of your home or business) from ONE VGA desktop.
The way this product works is it uses an interface card for your PC that then "segments" the desktop into eight areas. Each of these "areas" is then displayed on a touch screen. Therefore what ever is being displayed on one of the eight "segments" of the desktop display will be sent to one of eight particular keypads (one keypad is assigned one of the eight segments).
Each desktop area is rendered real time to each display at 60 frames per second (the speed of the typical desktop). Therefore the refresh rate of the touch pad is rendered as fast as the desktop (on the PC) can draw them.
The interface card reads the desktop pixel by pixel and sends the particular 160 x 240 pixel area to an assigned touch pad display over the cat5e cable.
The touch screen display doesn't know anything about what it is rendering, rather is just displays pixel by pixel from what is being sent by the PC hosting the interface card. In other words the touch screen acts as a "dumb" terminal just rendering/displaying whatever is being sent to it.
The touch screen colors are limited to 512 colors. Plus the desktop will only run 640 x 480 with this current version. Also, no other video card can exist while this special interface card is installed in the PC (it disables any other video card in the PC). The interface card "becomes" the main video card. A VGA output is available on the card to view each area on a monitor.
The beauty of this system is its simplicity and possible integration into a user's existing system. Though pricing wasn't disclosed (Dwayne will work with integrators and users interested in this system) the total cost will be FAR below the cost of having eight individual touch screens (and the PC's required to run them if they are not included with the touch screen device). Plus the maintenance, mounting, and video driving hassles are all much easier with this system.
Developers and users should be able to integrate this system into their existing software. For instance a developer could possibly write integration programs to separate the desktop into the needed eight segments using HTML with frames.
For example an HTML configuration could be run in "kiosk mode" with a frame set document that has eight frames of the right size (160 x 240).
The pictures of the screen shots below were run off of Dwayne's PC which ran a custom script for demo purposes. You do need a dedicated PC to house the interface card and run your particular software application for these touch screen displays (for instance this could be an existing dedicated home automaton server). A Cat5e cable is then run from this interface to each touch screen. No other connection is required for the touch screen displays.
Touch Screen Display Front:
(Click on Picture for Full Sized Image)
Touch Screen Display Rear:
(Click on Picture for Full Sized Image)
Touch Screen Display Side:
(Click on Picture for Full Sized Image)
Touch Screen Displays in Front of a Monitor Connected to the VGA Output of the Interface Card (Note the eight separate areas on the monitor and how each of the touchscreens is showing one assigned area):
(Click on Picture for Full Sized Image)
Another Picture Showing Various Applications Running on the Desktop & TouchScreen Displays:
(Click on Picture for Full Sized Image)
Demo Showing Possible Application Counting Down Exit Time After Arming System From One of the TouchScreens (Rendered to ALL the Touchscreens):
(Click on Picture for Full Sized Image)
For more information visit their Web Site. Also, Dwayne is a regular Cocooner and will be able to answer further questions or help users and developers with their applications and needs to integrate this system.