upstatemike said:
...I suggest 20 years minimum jail time for first offenders ...
That's right, make 'em do "time"!
Speaking of time, I thought I'd share this joke:
In a small mining town, a man walking to his early morning shift always stops in front of the clock shop in the town square and sets his watch precisely to the time displayed on a large grandfather clock in the display window. He does this every single morning for years.
One day he happens to be going in to work somewhat later on that morning and when he walks in front of the clock shop, he notices that it is open for business. He can't help but walk in and starts a conversation with the shop owner:
"You know" he says, "I have been walking past your shop for 16 years now, every morning around 7 AM, and every time I do, I stop in front of your shop and set my watch exactly to the time of your big grandfather clock over there!"
The shop owner is flattered, learning that his display clock is actually serving a useful purpose too. Then he asks the man a question:
"But tell me sir, what requires you to have your watch set so precisely?".
The man, happy to explain, answers:
"Well you see, I work at the mine, and it is my duty at 4:00 to blow the whistle signalling the end of the morning shift".
Upon hearing this, the clock shop owner is starting to pale, and the mine worker is asking him what's wrong. The shop owner replies:
"Well, evey day when I hear the mine's whistle, I set all my clocks!"