guys, try to watch as many videos as you can, these are really really funny!
These are the best picks, so you don't have to watch them all:
2004 voting machine (funny)
antiboredom campaign (funny)
dui (funny)
flying lawn mower (cool)
go fly a kite (funny)
tony hawk starwars kid (funny, if you have seen the starwars kid video)
quasar (cool)
animal launching (funny)
bush ball (funny)
car lover (funny)
dremel cd (cool)
hopp hopp (cool)
hornets vs bees (cool)
idiot truck trick (funny)
kung fu (cool)
pepsi matrix (cool)
one car (funny)
pinky the cat (funny)
plane vs concrete wall (interesting)
real life vs internet (funny)
that's not your phone (funny)