CQC implementation issue


New Member
Hi everybody, new to this forum and based on the recommendations of IVB I've decided to try out CQC but I have a few issues to work around first.
I currently have a Home Director system installed and from what Toymaster458 says it may not be compatible with CQC. The ELK M1 was suggested as well but since I already have a security contract (tight) I am stuck as to what I can do to start down this automation road. The Home Director is a video/ethernet/telephone/security distribution center with all the wires in one location. Unable to get in touch with the manufacturers of this sytem so may have to try the guys that installed it to see if they know much about its capabilities as we didn't get much literature. Does anybody here have any experience with this company or system at all?
I want to be able to automate lighting, A/C and send video (dvd) to different locations from my pending 400 dvd megachanger. I plan on getting a Fujitsu 3400 and also use my PPC-6700 as well. This can be a gradual progression, no hurry to get it all done, just want to have the house look 'lived in' for when we are not there. If I've left anything out please let me know, any and all suggestions welcome.
option 1) Get an Elk for all but security, then once your contract is up, move security to it.
option 2) Do lighting, A/C, video, direct from CQC. CQC has native drivers for RadioRA, zWave, not sure what else. I can natively control my Aprilaire HVAC via CQC. Obviously CQC handles mzone audio/video perfectly.
I've honestly never even heard of Home Director, so I guess that's a good sign we don't support it :) It's unlikely that it would be supported, since it's probably something that would require a lot of work to supoprt, and I'm assuming that it's not a very widely used system? It wouldn't be very economically feasible to put in a lot of effort to support something that won't make us much money. If it really is very widely used and I've just not heard of it for some reason, we could consider supporting it of course.