Defective Keypadlincs or just a weak signal


New Member
Hi Everyone:

I previously had a Leviton 4-button wall controller for my back porch and other landscape lights in my backyard. It was only a transmitter and did not control any load directly. When it died after about 2-3 years, I figured I would upgrade to a X-10 Keypadlinc so I could use it w/ non-sequential X-10 addresses. This was before Insteon was released so it was the original X-10 only model (12063W).

A couple of weeks ago, I discovered that the Keypadlinc could no longer trigger any of my lights. Frankly, I’m not sure when this started and it wouldn’t work even after I reset it. Since it was less than a year old, I contacted Automated Outlet and they sent me a replacement. The replacement did not work either and, as of today, I’m on my third Keypadlinc unit.

All of the buttons on the Keypadlinc units light on/off in response to on/off signals that I send from my Maxi- controller, mini timer and even my ancient CP-290. However, it appears none of the units will transmit any X-10 commands or if they are transmitting, my switches/modules are not responding to them. Just in case this was a line problem, I tried the various units in several different switch/J boxes throughout the house with the same result.

It seems pretty remote that I would get 3 defective Keypadlincs in a row! So the only thing I can think of is that these units put out a very weak X-10 signal which is not getting through. Has this been documented elsewhere or experienced by anyone else?

Thanks for whatever assistance/guidance anyone can provide.

Can you plug a module in close to the KeypadLinc to see if you can control it? You need to make sure the address got programmed in correctly and that you have any signal at all as a first step.
Do you have a coupler/repeater installed? Have you added any new appliances in your home? These could cause a noise problem. If you do not have a signal meter I would suggest tripping the breakers and see if you can narrow down a particular breaker that could be causing the problem. The troubleshoot form there.
<Can you plug a module in close to the KeypadLinc to see if you can control it? You need to make sure the address got programmed in correctly and that you have any signal at all as a first step. >

Yep, I tried to plugging a module about 10 ft away. No dice. Also did the reverse, put the Keypadlinc on a j-box about 10 ft away from a switchlinc on the same circuit dice either

<Do you have a coupler/repeater installed? Have you added any new appliances in your home? These could cause a noise problem. If you do not have a signal meter I would suggest tripping the breakers and see if you can narrow down a particular breaker that could be causing the problem. The troubleshoot form there.>

Yep, I've had a coupler installed in the breaker for over 5 years. Those don't fail over time do they? :D We haven't added any new appliances in the last 12 months. I also tried tripping the breaker on the usual culprits (frdige, TV, UPS (2), ceiling fans..) and that didn't make a difference....and all of the other transmitters (Maxi, mini, CP-290) were able to turn on/off my stuff with these breakers on. I can try some of the other breakers but that may have to wait since my wife just came home and she probably won't be to thrilled if stuff starts going on and off at "random"

Thanks for the quick responses.
I just have to ask... If you can't even trigger a module close by, how can you be sure the correct address (or any address) is actually programmed into the keypadlinc? What are you using to do your programming? A Maxi-controller? Can you control the target modules directly with that?
upstatemike brings up an excellent point. Do you use any software to control your X10 devices? You could, as an example, look in the HomeSeer log to see what if any signals are being sent.
<<I just have to ask... If you can't even trigger a module close by, how can you be sure the correct address (or any address) is actually programmed into the keypadlinc? What are you using to do your programming? A Maxi-controller? Can you control the target modules directly with that? >>

Well, I actually reset the Keypadlinc's to their default addresses. It's a 6-key model so the big buttons are A1-on & A1-off by default with the others being A2, A3 A4 & A5.

I am using a Maxi controller and when I trigger A1-On, the module (Swicthlinc) goes on and the larger button at the top of the Keypadlinc lights up which is consistent with the default assignment according to the Keypadlinc manual. Similarly when I trigger an A1-Off using the Maxi, the module goes off and the bottom large button on the Keypadlinc lights up.

<<upstatemike brings up an excellent point. Do you use any software to control your X10 devices? You could, as an example, look in the HomeSeer log to see what if any signals are being sent.>>

Unfortunately, I'm not using any software at this point to do any of the HA/X-10 stuff. I figure I'll get an ELK M1G at some point to replace my old HA/alarm panel.

Thanks for continuing to provide feedback. I take it you guys think it's an interference problem rather than some issue which is inherent in the Keypadlincs themselves?
I guess I'm still not convinced that the factory reset is giving you the addresses you expect in the keypadlinc. I would specifically go through the programming process and manually set the address to A1 just to be sure it is correct.
Like you said, the odds of getting three bad switches are very low. Does Active Home log X10 traffic? It's free and may be worth downloading just to be sure. Heck for that matter HomeSeer has a free 30 day trial. A quick download would give you a good indication of what if anything is being sent. This is assuming you have an X10 PLC.
All good suggestions here, but you may also want to consider getting an X-10 line analyzer which measures your X-10 signal strength by plugging it into an outlet.

I used this repeatedly and finally found all of my signal sucks. There are items you would not believe that can suck down your X-10 signals. For instance Guy Lavoie found a night light as a culprit. I found a Stanley X-10 mini-controller (yep, that's right, an X-10 transmitting device sucking down X-10 signals when it was plugged in). Other things I found was a cheap TV and an LCD monitor.

Take a look at THIS post for some additional information.

I just moved my X-10 source around while measuring signal strength in various places. It wasn't hard to find the culprits.

Martin of AutomatedOutlet offers a "free" rental of an X-10 signal analyzer (it only costs you the shipping).

Other things that can cause problems are noise related. I had a computer power supply that was so noisy, it would randomly turn lights on and off and that was when it was behind a signal/noise block!

So I believe if you have extensive X-10 problems you are trying to troubleshoot "blind" unless you get one of these analyzers.
You know, this is what makes this forum great! I figure everyone’s checked out for the weekend or gone to be bed so I decide to drink some wine and kick back for the rest of evening….and then 3 of the sages of this forum, Upstatemike, Rupp and BSR shame me by sending me responses TONITE, trying to help me! ;)


<<I guess I'm still not convinced that the factory reset is giving you the addresses you expect in the keypadlinc. I would specifically go through the programming process and manually set the address to A1 just to be sure it is correct.>>

I tried programming each of the buttons with specific X10 addresses and commands. Still no luck…and yes I did it after only 1 glass of wine so I’m reasonably sure that I eliminated this variable.

<<Like you said, the odds of getting three bad switches are very low. Does Active Home log X10 traffic? It's free and may be worth downloading just to be sure. Heck for that matter HomeSeer has a free 30 day trial. A quick download would give you a good indication of what if anything is being sent. This is assuming you have an X10 PLC.>>

OK, I’ve been looking at Housebot and I’ll install that tomorrow assuming it also has the logging capability. If not, I’ll do ActiveHome. I’m going to wait until tomorrow since the wine is starting to kick in and I’ve learned from experience NEVER to install anything once I start on the wine “courseâ€.

<<All good suggestions here, but you may also want to consider getting an X-10 line analyzer which measures your X-10 signal strength by plugging it into an outlet….Martin of AutomatedOutlet offers a "free" rental of an X-10 signal analyzer (it only costs you the shipping).>>

Sounds like a great idea! I’ll follow up with Martin…especially since I ordered all of the Keypadlincs from him in the first place and I REALLY would like to have one of them work rather than ship them all back to him!

<<I found a Stanley X-10 mini-controller (yep, that's right, an X-10 transmitting device sucking down X-10 signals when it was plugged in).>>

You know I have one of these too. But I didn’t think it would be the problem since all of my other transmitter work!

Thanks again everyone for the feedback!