Display your HA Setup and Displays


I thought it would be fun to have members display some of their HA hardware and display setups.

HERE are some pics of my HA hardware and Main Lobby scenes. The hardware pics include an Elk 12 volt battery backup/charger system, Caddx NX8E Security system, Ocelot with SECU16I input and Relay-8 output modules, network and phone patch, Linksys firewall router and distribution hub.

All of this is also backed up by a small UPS system (shown on floor).

The Main Lobby scenes have some cool features such as a pop up box on all scenes with Caller ID (including pictures of callers for the ones that I had and who frequently call), message box of critical events such as washer finished, and all scenes are updated continually (i.e. the weather will always update the conditions without having to refresh the scenes). The floor plan will have any door or window status displayed as a color (green for closed, red for open). You can also toggle the lights on and off by clicking on the yellow/gray "glow" and it will update the on off status as well.

I have to thank a lot of people who helped me along the way including electron, krumpy, davidl, johnw, Guy Lavoie, and a host of others who kindly offered their advice and suggestions.

Please feel free to display your setups!


DAMN! I need to get cracking on some programming. My hardware setup looks great, but the software side is very basic, especially compared to yours. Very nice setup.
Nice job BSR! Screens look great.

Working on your weblobby problem. Did you try to put the weblobby.swf in a button? Be careful that once you place it, you probably won't be able to edit it again. Try it on a throw away scene first. Put a label on the button before hitting OK so you can see it in Zorder.
Looks good BSR. I'd love to see more examples from others.

I have just begun playing with Main Lobby. But I'm at the point now where I am trying to figure out what scenes/pages I want and what the overall layout should look like. More examples would be helpful.

How did you incorporate the cameras in Main Lobby? Is this custom? One of the HS plugins? A Main Lobby thing?

Nice structured wiring. I would be embarassed to show my wiring jobs right now. But last night i made a new friend while at my fiances compnay xmas party. He does all the IT work for their company and had mentioned that pulling wires was easy. So I told him all about my HA setup and that i wanted to redo all the wiring to make it more structured. Then i ask if he would mind coming by one day after the holidays and help me pull the wires.

He said sure as if he was excited and then mentioned "Then i could see you Automation setup" I figured i could teach him a few things about HA and he could show me how to "Easily" pull Cat5 though my house. I have to draw up a floor plan for him and show him where i want the cables ran. He didnt mention charging me so i hope after i give him the floor plan he doesnt come back and say ok that will be $$$.

I'm thinking that if he offering for free then ill go ahead and have some video wires ran also for future security cams.
Mark S. said:
How did you incorporate the cameras in Main Lobby? Is this custom? One of the HS plugins? A Main Lobby thing?
Hi Mark:

The camera display is actually a product from Cinemar called "WebLobby". I wound up getting a lot of the Cinemar product line over this past year (a little at a time as it was to expensive to purchase all at once).

WebLobby will display a web page on your Main Lobby scenes. Mine is displaying my WebCamXP streaming image from my front door camera (see my How-to for additional details on that). Here again, I purchased WebCamXP when it was only $35.

I would like to create some more How-to's on creating Main Lobby scenes, just don't have a lot of free time right now. If you have any questions though we are very fortunate to have a couple of Main Lobby experts frequent our forum (DavidL and JRFuda).


sbessel said:
Nice screens.... but I gotta ask, AC-DC and Anne Murray? now that is a real strange mix...
Yes, I have to strongly agree! :D I am a die-hard AC/DC fan, but I combined my wife's music with my library so we can both use the interface!!

That structured wiring panel and all the wiring for the house (including all the security wiring) was done while the house was constructed (before the drywall was up).

Everything looks neat now, that's because I have been working on this off and on for about a year!

BTW, if you are going to be doing wiring runs, don't forget about motion sensors, glass break sensors, keypad locations, and smoke detectors, house audio/speakers, all run back to a central home run location in case you want to add some more HA goodies like say a security system!

Thanks for the kind comments. It did take a lot of work to finally get it this way. If I had to do it all over again, I would have made my structured media center three times the size, or would have installed two taller units beside each other. Then I wouldn't have had to add the unsightly external boxes (and all the wiring that goes in-between them). Not to big a deal as this is all in a large closet, just would have been a lot nicer (but of course a lot more expensive option at the time when I was trying to just "get in" this house).
BraveSirRobbin said:
... a die-hard AC/DC fan...
Now wait a minute, a few things need to be cleared up here! "die-hard" is a battery, so it has to be DC only. You can can have an "AC/DC fan" only if it has a universal motor which is a rarity nowadays because it would have to use brushes, which wear out over time and make sparks. The vast majority of modern day fans use AC only induction motors. Thus I don't see how you could have a "die-hard AC/DC fan" if the fan has been made in recent years.

Please explain yourself?

:D :D

And Merry Christmas to you!
The intellectual mind needs a wide variety of stimulation <winK>. I too have a wide range of taste for music. Of coarse country, rap and opera are not among what I consider good music but thats what makes the world go round..

Have a great holdiday!!


Oh and to see the screenshots for my HA setup see this thread....


Homeseer/NetRemote Pro/JRMC/hsGirder/WebCam2000
I just started a Gallery section in the preview of our upcoming new CQC web site. The first gallery is my own system, which is automated with CQC. Ignore the wires all over the place in the rack. This is a test and devleopment system and there's just no way I can constantly take the time to get it all neat because devices have to come and go fairly often.


Just use the Gallery link in the main menu bar.