Doubling the Functionality of the KeyChain Remote

Has anyone done this mod recently?

Doubling the Functionality of the KeyChain Remote

If so, where did you buy the switches from?

I searched GOOGLE for the switches several months ago (and again a couple of weeks ago when I posted this [to-date UNANSWERED! :o] question on another Forum :( ) and I either find unit prices of $2.50 - $3.50 with $9.50 shipping (OUCH!), or unit prices of $0.50 - $0.70 with a $20.00 minimum order. Also, these sites that I've found so far don't list the size (DUH!)

I'd like to mod ~4 KeyChain Remotes (and maybe some PalmPads) and spend a "few" bucks. If others are interested (~36 more switches), we can do a Group Purchase for 40 @ $0.50 each. :)
Thanks electron, but I like my PRICES and SHIPPING (one of your LINKs was in Australia!) better:

Electronix Express - Tilt Switch - Mercury :)

Anybody interesting in buying the remaining ~36???

BTW, thanks for your FROOGLE example. I use GOOGLE/Web and DEJANEWS/Groups all the time and previously thought of FROOGLE as just another PRICEGRABBER - but, the pictures are a nice touch!

electron said:
Pretty cool mod tho!
I know! :(

I currently use my (almost *FREE* during SALES) PalmPads to directly control devices and my KeyChain Remotes to execute MACROs. The ability to DOUBLE the number of MACROs from 4 to 8 is certainly appealing (for $.50!). has them as well, if I remember correctly, shipping is around 5 bucks, and there was a minimum of 20 units.
I think some older style thermostats use a type of "tilt" switch described in that mod. You could always just use a small slide switch or something like that (a small pushbutton maybe) since its just a contact closure. The disadvantage though would be you would have to push or slide a switch before you pressed the X-10 button.

Be aware that mercury is a known health hazard and systems are getting away from using anything mercury related (as THIS link suggests.)
BraveSirRobbin said:
I think some older style thermostats use a type of "tilt" switch described in that mod...
Yeah, but it's *WAY* too BIG! The switch in the mod fits BETWEEN the two AAA batteries!!! :o
BraveSirRobbin said:
...You could always just use a small slide switch or something like that (a small pushbutton maybe) since its just a contact closure.  The disadvantage though would be you would have to push or slide a switch before you pressed the X-10 button.
But, *NOTHING* is as small or convenient as the Micro Mercury Switch... :)

Who knows - maybe in the course of the next few days, several other Members will become interested and I can just drive on over to Electronix Express and pick up $20 worth (they weren't interested in selling me 4 last time I called... :( )
BraveSirRobbin said:
Be aware that mercury is a known health hazard and systems are getting away from using anything mercury related (as THIS link suggests.)
I'd avoid doing anything with mercury switches. It's just not worth the risk. You can do the same thing by wiring a small switch of some other sort in there - you just lose the tilt operation. There are ball/wire-based tilt switches out there, too.

Several schools have been shut down recently due to mercury contamination (spilled mercury).
AutomatedOutlet said:
I remember as a kid what fun it was to take some mercury and roll it around in the palm of your hand!
I also remember the massive headaches I invariably got about an hour fterward. I finally put the two together after several years. I won't claim to be the sharpest tool in the box
Bruce L said:
V6 STOL, Piper pacer stretched 12 inches with a Ford V6 up front.

Unusual but very cheap to fly.
:huh: :o :o :blink: :ph34r: ? ? ? $ $ $ [!STC!] $ $ $ ? ? ? :huh: :o :unsure: :blink: :ph34r:
  • PICTURES??? / Web Site???
  • Rate-Of-Climb?
  • Take-Off Roll?
  • Landing?
  • Cruise?
  • GPH?
  • Based @ ? :)
I fly a RANS S-12 - originally setup as an ultralight trainer. I'm building a RANS S-6 which will have a Jabiru engine. I don't have a completion time yet.

Bruce, that piper sounds WAY nice. Maybe I'll change my build plans for the next one! Yeah, I get just about as much kick out of building them as flying them.