File Submitter: chucklyons
File Submitted: 27 Jun 2013
File Category: Premise
Author: chucklyons
Contact: chucklyons
The Jquery Mobile version of the Minibrowser. Hopefully, I have included everything; my instructions are correct, and it will work for you.
Hat's off to 123. This was a HARD effort.
What's in it...
1. Heavy use of .css and javascript (obviously)
2. I removed the ‘CDN’ dependency of javascript libraries for JQM, jQuery, etc. Created local files for faster loading and in the event the internet is done, Premise jqm still works.
3. The Home layout is vertical vs grid. This makes it easier for using on a touch device, primarily a phone
4. Status lists the Home objects in an ‘accordion’ fashion for both IP and jqm versions. This uses less real estate on a device, allowing the user to focus on a specific area
5. Status stays true to Minibrowser 2.1 but in addition to object name and state, adds a third field ‘Description’. In my setup, I add status, date and time to the object’s description field, which then is displayed in the object status. Useful for identifying times of actions (such as when a door or gate opened)
6. Time is client side. This may change in the future. I travel a lot and want to know what time it is at my house vs where I am currently located. It’s included, but is sporadic with regard to loading.
7. Custom Buttons are automatically generated as jqm buttons. No development action required.
8. AV_Components are exposed. The next release will include TV, Stereo, and Tivo MB modules, otherwise you will get the Premise ‘Server Method Not Found’
9. Lights are realtime. W84’s work on the lights dynamically changing hasnt been touched.
10. Thermostat. Ditto on W84s work. I have not been able to test the thermostat as I dont have a thermostat in my house, however Builder reflects all are working.
11. Security acts the same as the IP version.
12. A lot of work went into the Mediazone.
a. Playlists have been added. Select the playlist and it will function just as music tracks does
b. Search provides searching by Artist, Albums and tracks in their respective levels e.g you can't search for tracks from the artist level - next release, hopefully.
c. Music folders - displays the number of folders and tracks.
d. Tracks - displays duration of the track
e. Music - I only have .mp3s to test with. Should work with others?
f. Volume- works the same as IP
g. Controls. Controls (play, pause, etc) are accessed by using the Open Controls button. The panel slides from the left, giving access to the controls.
h. Now playing. Displays the ‘album’ picture next to the now playing media.
i. I have an option for using High Definition images from http://www.freecovers.net. Album images from freecovers have a 'tn' in their name; MB looks for the freecover image, then on to the others, then...
j. If no .jpg is found, it displays a No Image picture.
k. Next version will add ajax versions of volume, now playing, etc
l. Media shortcuts will show at a high level, however will display the media, which leads to this next item
13. Playing videos and audio in the browser - not included in this release. Works in my version, but still some bugs. Next release.14. Media Shortcuts - added the ability to add an image to the shortcuts (Location and Media). Functions just like a normal image from the Home layout
15. All images are .pngs. For both the IP and jqm versions. All have been compressed by approx. 75%, using www.tinypng.org
16. Added image to the media and location shortcuts - you can add an image from the Home level
17. Created .gifs from the .pngs. Now all images will be the same (minus clarity for .gifs ) regardless of MB style
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