I've tried three different types of ds18B20 temperature sensors at the end of a 50' piece of cat5e cable. The cable seems to be of high quality as do the sensors. Typically a sensor will read OK for half an hour or so, then it stops responding.
There is just one sensor at the end of the 50' cat5e run. Voltage to the webcontrol board is 9 v. voltage at the sensor is 4.67 when the sensor is idle. It drops to 4.3 when sending data. Is that too low?
My webcontrol board is a WC8, version 03.01.17d. The board says 2.0.2. Several years ago, I sent it in for a firmware upgrade.
Can anyone offer any advice insofar as adding resistors or doing something to help make this reliable?
Thank you.
There is just one sensor at the end of the 50' cat5e run. Voltage to the webcontrol board is 9 v. voltage at the sensor is 4.67 when the sensor is idle. It drops to 4.3 when sending data. Is that too low?
My webcontrol board is a WC8, version 03.01.17d. The board says 2.0.2. Several years ago, I sent it in for a firmware upgrade.
Can anyone offer any advice insofar as adding resistors or doing something to help make this reliable?
Thank you.