filename: custom_ebaytracker.txt
version : 0.1
description: track ebay auctions, announce when less than x minutes left
author: electron
1) copy this script to the homeseer\scripts directory
2) create a new event that runs this script, passing the auction ID, time remaining alarm (expressed in minutes) and comment # as parameters, seperated by a |
example: custom_ebaytracker.txt("main","3063618320|5|betabrite")
If description is omitted, auction
version : 0.1
description: track ebay auctions, announce when less than x minutes left
author: electron
1) copy this script to the homeseer\scripts directory
2) create a new event that runs this script, passing the auction ID, time remaining alarm (expressed in minutes) and comment # as parameters, seperated by a |
example: custom_ebaytracker.txt("main","3063618320|5|betabrite")
If description is omitted, auction