I'm considering this lighting system, and I was wondering if you guys could answer some questions about it:
How do the buttons work? (You'd think they'd describe this on www.edt.biz). I assume they behave like normal, press the top, light goes on. Press the bottom, light goes off. Push and hold for dimming. I assume they don't have the annoying "preset dim" problems of X10 switches.
What about scene buttons. One press turns the scene on, and another press turns all loads in the scene off? How does the scene indicator light behave? On if the scene is on, but what if one (or all) of the loads in a scene is (are) manually turned off? Does the scene indicator figure out it should be off now?
The ELK serial port has built-in support for iLine, but no "comments". Do you know if they get accurate information about load status? Even if last controlled by a scene? I assume you can go direct to a specific dim level (rather than full on, then dim down).
Lastly, any idea about price? Since this is dealer only, its hard figure the costs.
Thanks -- Bob
How do the buttons work? (You'd think they'd describe this on www.edt.biz). I assume they behave like normal, press the top, light goes on. Press the bottom, light goes off. Push and hold for dimming. I assume they don't have the annoying "preset dim" problems of X10 switches.
What about scene buttons. One press turns the scene on, and another press turns all loads in the scene off? How does the scene indicator light behave? On if the scene is on, but what if one (or all) of the loads in a scene is (are) manually turned off? Does the scene indicator figure out it should be off now?
The ELK serial port has built-in support for iLine, but no "comments". Do you know if they get accurate information about load status? Even if last controlled by a scene? I assume you can go direct to a specific dim level (rather than full on, then dim down).
Lastly, any idea about price? Since this is dealer only, its hard figure the costs.
Thanks -- Bob