Elk announces the UL/ULC approval of the M1


Staff member
These approvals include:

United States Approvals -
UL 985 - Household Fire Warning System Units
UL 1023 - Household Burglar-Alarm System Units
UL 1637 - Home Health Care Signaling Equipment

Canadian Approvals -
ULC 545-02 - Canadian Standard for Residential Fire Warning System Control Units
ULC Subject C1023-74 - Canadian Standard for Household Burglar Alarm System Units
CDA C22.2 No. 205-M1983 - Canadian Standard for Signal Equipment
Sorry, I asked the same question and the answer is NO. Only newly manufacturered product can be stickered.

Additional approvals are pending.
So does that mean that if an insurer asks the owner of an existing panel if the system is UL approved, we must anwer no?
Guy Lavoie said:
So does that mean that if an insurer asks the owner of an existing panel if the system is UL approved, we must anwer no?
I guess the question behind that, is whether insurers focus on the panel or the monitoring facility? And will this affect a discount...

I always thought it was the certificate from the monitoring facility that was the focal point.

Has anyone had a problem with insurance discounts with existing, monitored elk's?
In most cases the insurance companies look for the certificate for the Central Station. Authorities Having Jurisdiction (AHJ's) look for the equipment Listing. For the most part that is with new construction or a major renovation (dormering etc.) where you need to get a Certificate of Occupancy. Even then some AHJ's are not concerned. I think when you rely on the equipment to meet local fire codes (smoke detectors etc if required) they would look a little more. I am in the business and I cant remember hearing of a residential installation having any problems but I am sure it can happen rarely (so dont pee on the AHJ's cornflakes or he will gig you on the color of the screws in your drywall installation).

In commercial applications the equipment is looked at more closely.

If someone has an existing installation that needed a Listed Panel etc there are ways to have that evaluated but its not cheap (UL would send someone to the location and inspect it there). I doubt that would be necessary in a Residential application but there are so many localities with their own rules you never know.

The reason that UL does not let previously shipped products be labeled is that only those products that were manufactured after the Listing is authorized and the production is verified by a "Follow-Up Services" program are permitted to bear the markings. They do this to insure the integrity of the mark. They visit the manufacturing sites unannounced and do surprise inspections at least once every three months. If they find where something has changed they can stop the labeling of the products until its resolved. It keeps manufacturers on their toes.

I bought my ELK last year and I am not concerned about anything. I know the last time I registered a panel with an insurance company for a discount they only asked me for the Central Station Certificate and if I had any smoke detectors and how many. Now they may ask you if you have a CO detector.
Thank you. I'm hoping to wrap up my installation and tie into a central station in the near future. I'll post my results when I get to that point (including insurance as well).
I am also wrapping up things and need a CS very soon. I am looking for one that will allow IP but I cant find any.

Worse case I will continue to email by cell phone and other email addresses.

BTW when you talk to your insurance company make sure you tell them all of the features you have. They may give you a slightly bigger break if you have CO and maybe a water cop etc.
Guy Lavoie said:
So does that mean that if an insurer asks the owner of an existing panel if the system is UL approved, we must anwer no?
You can say, "every single one they sell is UL approved." ;)
I was planning on it, in fact I've been going over all recommended practices to maximize the discount (and to finish it the right way).

I think I am going to wind up with 8 smokes, 3 co2, 5 heat detectors, all hard-wiredto an M1. I was wondering if I can state models for them to emphasize it at all (that is $400 in smoke detectors alone).

There is a partner company listed on the elk site for water leak detection that sounded interesting, but it was close to $1000 if I recall and insurance companies seemed unsure on how to treat it (i.e. increased discounts). It was strange as I thought flood damage was the most frequent source of a claim.

I had a floodstop hooked up to my washer, but (add irony in large amounts here) it leaked so I had to take it out (yes, the leak prevention device leaked and set itself off). The watercop seemed to make more sense (and was nicely included into the main piping) but I did not want to add more to my project list at this point until I wrap things up.

I was going to speak to the insurance company after I get the system on a monitoring station, as then I can review smoke/fire and burglar and note that the fire systems are monitored.

I'd be very pleased if I were able to get a 20% reduction, but I'll see. Clearly I'm not just doing this for the reduction (a nice bonus though). I'm sure it won't hurt if I sell the house as well.
If the insurance company looks at the UL website (anyone can) they will see that the ELK-M1 is Listed.

The real proof is in the little sticker but they will probably never go that far on a Residential install.