These are screen shots of the ELK Products, Inc., M1XEP Ethernet Modules Web pages as it was connected to a M1 Security and Automation Control.
The M1XEP automatically downloads the configurations and names of zones, tasks, lighting, and outputs, so no setup is required on the webpage.
The M1XEP Ethernet Module can handle up to 30 non-encrypted connections or 5 encrypted connections at once. ELKRP remote programming software can also work throug the M1XEP for remote programming of the M1 Control.
Note: The Climate Page does not show a temperature because no Thermostats were connected to the system.
My computer is upstairs in my house and the ELK M1 Control and M1XEP Ethernet Module is in the basement. I have an Ethernet connection running from my computer through a router to the basement. I use my computer upstairs to reprogram the M1 and access the webpage for controlling the security and automation system. I also access the system from my office 30 miles away via Internet using the ELK RP remote programming software to reprogram the M1 when needed and control the system from the webpage that is served out of the M1XEP. When I make a change in
I have found several times that I needed to open the garage door from work to let a service person in the house during the day when no one was at home. They call me on my cell phone to tell me they are there, then I can disarm the security system and open the garage door. When they are finished, I close the garage door and rearm the security system. It is really a nice feature to have that capability and not have to leave work to go home for a service call.
The Ethernet Socket connection to the M1XEP can either be encrypted or non encrypted. Local touchscreens would not need the data to be encrypted.
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