Elk M1 monitoring driveway?


Is there a wireless driveway monitor that has an output that I can wire into the elk to announce or turn lights on or other instructions??? My drive way is 600 feet long and I do not have any wiring out by the road.


I don't know what wireless device may be available. I used to use an Optex 1000 wireless PIR for vehicle detection, but the deer and foxes gave me too many false alarms.

I have a Mier vehicle detector buried along side my drive about 150' out from the house. The drive is around 250' long. I connect the relay output of the Mier to a zone input on the M1G and assign it to a separate "area" (partition) in the M1G. It is defined as type #13, 24 hour alarm zone. A rule speaks a voice message and sounds an 800 hz tone when it is activated. It is recorded in the M1G event log. I also print this as well as several other events out on a point of sale printer I picked up on eBay. This gives me a written log of alarms, arm/disarm, and detection of certain zones.

The only problem I experience is during severe lightning storms I sometimes get a false or two on the drive alarm. I used shielded cable, but it isn't 100% effective in my case.

I also have a couple rules that turn on the 3 front lights if a vehicle is detected in the evening, then return them back to 30% brightness after a period of time.
Dakota Alert has a wireless driveway monitor, the WPT-3000. It consists of a buried driveway probe with a 50' cable that runs to the transmitter. The receiver has 4 separate channels each with an associated relay that can be connected to an Elk M1 zone input. The advertised range is 3000'.

Dakota Alert also has other wireless products that can be use used with the same 4 channel receiver that comes with the wireless driveway product. They have a wireless PIR, a "gas station type" rubber hose that will signal when you drive over it, and also now a small stand-alone transmitter that you can connect any sensor to that has a dry contact relay.

I currently have the wireless driveway probe on the driveway at my vacation home. The transmitter is about 200' from the receiver that is connected to my Elk M1. No problem with the range to the receiver but the last time I was up there I was having some problems with getting the sensitivity adjustment set right between being able to detect a vehicle versus getting false activations. I am starting to have some concerns as to whether I will be able to find a stable sensitivity setting where it will detect correctly with no (or very seldom) a false activation but I honestly have not spent enough time with it to make a final decision.

There are a few other manufacturers that sell wireless "driveway" alarms but they use motion detectors rather than buried probes so they will activate with other than just vehicle motion.
wbonnell said:
Is there a wireless driveway monitor that has an output that I can wire into the elk to announce or turn lights on or other instructions??? My drive way is 600 feet long and I do not have any wiring out by the road.



We can do it with the Miracle 5104,a nd RFID Readers and Tags:


You'll know specifically who arrived, so you can even get a Mother in Law alert !!


From what I can read in the manual, the RFID is a great idea for family and friends,and even excaped pets, but won't alert you to "unkown" vehicles. Kinda defeats the purpose of hooking it to the security system????
I checked out the RFID stuff. Would be cool for my dog's so I know where they are, but man, it's not a cheap investment.