Senior Member
Steve said:I don't think Elk, nor any other company will ever publish a roadmap or talk about a feature before it is already on the board or in Beta. Too many get burned when they talk about stuff and then for whatever reason abandon it.
OK, fair enough. Let me at least propose the roadmap I’d like to see Elk publish if they were inclined to publish one. Maybe it will give them some ideas:
ELK-INSTEON SUPPORT (available January, 2006)
M1 Firmware upgrade
Adds full support for Insteon lighting control using an ELK-M1XSP serial expander and Insteon Serial PowerLinc Controller - 2414S
• Full support of all Insteon features
• Operates simultaneously with other lighting protocols
ELK-VWS SUPPORT (available February, 2006)
M1 Firmware upgrade
Adds full support for a wide variety of weather stations through a serial link between an ELK-M1XSP serial expander and a PC running Ambient Virtual Weather Station software. Will also work using an Ethernet link between an ELK-M1XEP Ethernet adapter and a LAN connected PC running Ambient Virtual Weather Station software.
• User configurable link to remote PC
• User configurable file path to VWS .csv file
• User configurable data polling rate
• New data locations for storing weather station variables
• Weather station variables allow negative numbers for below zero temperatures
• Weather station variables may be embedded in ASCII messages to other devices
• Weather station variables may be displayed at any keypad
• Weather station variables may be spoken in voice messages
• New rules to trigger events when a weather station variable changes value
• New rules to trigger events when thermostat set points change value
ELK-M1TTS (available March, 2006)
M1 Text to Speech Adapter
Adds hardware based text to speech output to the M1 Gold or M1EZ8 Controls. Operates from 4-wire data bus. Up to 16 of these can be used to speak simultaneous or independent messages.
• Will speak text strings in male or female voice
• Text strings may be sent to one or all adapters
• Large buffer to queue multiple text strings
• Text header determines destination, priority, and male or female voice
• New messages will queue or interrupt based on priority value
• Operates on the 4-Wire Data Bus
• DIP Switch Address Settings
• Flash Memory for Firmware Updating
• Vertical Mounting using ELK-SWG Glides(included)
• Replaces ELK MV-480 for multiple speaking zone applications.
ELK-M1XFA (available April, 2006)
M1 16 Zone Fire Alarm Expander
Adds 16 fire alarm zones (EOL resistor supervised) to the M1 Gold or M1EZ8 Controls. Operates from 4-wire data bus. Up to 12 of these can be used, increasing total zones (inputs) to 208
• Supports 2-wire and 4-wire smoke detectors on all zones
• Supports integrated audible devices
• Supports supervised auxiliary power module
• Supports maintenance signals and “clean me†alerts
• Operates on the 4-Wire Data Bus
• DIP Switch Address Settings
• Flash Memory for Firmware Updating
• Vertical Mounting using ELK-SWG Glides(included)
ELK-M1XAN (available May, 2006)
M1 8 Zone Analog Input Expander
Adds 8 analog input zones to the M1 Gold or M1EZ8 Controls. Operates from 4-wire data bus. Up to 24 of these can be used, increasing total zones (inputs) to 208
• 0-5V range in 255 steps
• Gain and Offset settings to scale each input to the proper range of values
• 5V supply and ground connections for powering analog devices
• Events can be triggered on any changes to analog value
• Analog input value may be embedded in ASCII messages to other devices
• Analog input value may be displayed at any keypad
• Analog input value may be spoken in voice messages
• Operates on the 4-Wire Data Bus
• DIP Switch Address Settings
• Flash Memory for Firmware Updating
• Vertical Mounting using ELK-SWG Glides(included)
ELK-M1VID (available June, 2006)
M1 Text to Video Adapter
Adds hardware based text to video output to the M1 Gold or M1EZ8 Controls. Operates from 4-wire data bus. Up to 8 of these can be used to output video modulated text to modulators and security camera feeds.
• Will output text strings to composite video jack
• Has feed-through jacks so text may be overlaid onto an existing video feed
• Output can feed TVs, modulators or security monitors
• Text header determines text size, color, and position on screen
• Operates on the 4-Wire Data Bus
• DIP Switch Address Settings
• Flash Memory for Firmware Updating
• Vertical Mounting using ELK-SWG Glides(included)
ELK-xPL SUPPORT (available July, 2006)
M1 Firmware upgrade
Allows the M1 Gold or M1EZ8 Controls to transmit and receive xPL automation messages through an ELK-M1XEP Ethernet adapter.
• Transmits xPL messages through an ELK-M1XEP Ethernet adapter.
• Can trigger events based on incoming xPL messages
• Supports communication with xPL enabled devices such as Tivo and SlimServer
ELK-M1XIR (available August, 2006)
M1 8 Zone IR Output Expander
Adds 8 IR output zones to the M1 Gold or M1EZ8 Controls. Operates from 4-wire data bus.
• Stores 512 IR commands
• Compatible with all IR frequency ranges and formats
• Commands may be sent to one or all zones
• All zones have a return path for IR input
• Can trigger events based on IR input
• Can repeat received IR input on any or all IR output zones
• Optional voice confirmation of each IR command trnsmitted
• Operates on the 4-Wire Data Bus
• DIP Switch Address Settings
• Flash Memory for Firmware Updating
• Vertical Mounting using ELK-SWG Glides(included)