elk package and can

looking at the elk site you can get just a basic elk m1gk

ELK-M1GK Control + Transformer + Keypad + Battery + Speaker + RJ31X Jack & Cord

with out the can 14 x 14 and order a 14X28 can p#ELK-SWB28
But the difference in cost is only $15. You can't buy even a 14" can for that. Some people like to just get the SYSG4 package and whatever other can they need and use the 14" one for power or something else...
Yeah Elk should sell it in a package with the big can.

But everyone should always be able to use a extra can.
I actually need 2x 14" cans and 1x 28". 14" can will be installed at the first and second floor. The 28" will be installed on the home run location.
Actually, I don't know why I'm going with a 28". Should I? Maybe a 14" will be enough for me since I have board expanders in every floor.
14" is enough with 2 expansion boards. Anything more and it's getting difficultto work in.

I have 2 boards and a data bus hub. There is enough room but it's not pretty.
Ok folks, can you please show me a screenshot of your ELK M1 in action? This way, I will have an idea on how to mount it. :)
Pictures please :D
v1rtu0s1ty said:
Ok folks, can you please show me a screenshot of your ELK M1 in action? This way, I will have an idea on how to mount it. :)
Pictures please :D
I second that.....I saw a picture awhile back, but it would be very helpful to see a variety of implementations...

I found some pictures :lol: This is awesome!!!
Smoke sensor wires. Very neat!!! :D


very neat


I couldn't wait for my black rack


Am I correct that those Elk can's aren't 19" wide?

This one is really nice! Simple
