ELK programming without Ethernet interface


Active Member
I am about to place an order for an ELK/CADDX wireless system. If I forgo the Ethernet interface to keep the initial cost down, I assume I will connect my PC (which does have a 9-pin Com port) directly to the ELK. How is the programming software in this case? I assume you create the configuration on the PC and then upload it to the ELK. Am I making a mistake not to go with the Ethernet interface? I use CQC to control my ZWave switches and I want CQC to see the ELK. I probably will put off getting the ELK ZWave interface until the dust settles.
The Elk programing works the same way with or with out the network interface. The only thing different is the cable hookup between the computer and the Elk.
The PITA about using the serial interface is that only one program can connect to it at a time. I found myself constantly having to stop CQC so I could load up ElkRP. In addition, I had to use either the server, or VNC into the server.

Now that I have the ethernet interface, I can use any PC I want just by loading ElkRP onto it. No mucking with VNC, which has too slow of a response time for heavy usage. No stopping CQC to run ElkRP, as connecting via ethernet just results in a timeout/wait state for CQC until I disconnect from ElkRP.

I am being a little overdramatic, as it's certainly possible to do all the stuff you want to do in ElkRP and THEN connect to the Elk and upload it. However, as I'm a total newbie in these efforts, I found myself making one change at a time, then loading up CQC to see if it worked, then stopping CQC and loading ElkRP again.

net net: If you can afford it, get the ethernet interface. It'll make your life much faster, esp as a newbie to the Elk.
No stopping CQC to run ElkRP, as connecting via ethernet just results in a timeout/wait state for CQC until I disconnect from ElkRP.
I use CQC, so no problem with CQC when you run ElkRP? Sounds like I need to go with the Ethernet interface right off the bat.
No problem with CQC if you run ElkRP, and Yes, doing that from the get-go will make your life much simpler.

Just to repeat myself so I don't mislead you into buying a $200 part you don't need - it's an optional component, and I ran loading ElkRP, making a change, stopping CQC, uploading the change, disconnecting from the Elk, restarting CQC, testing the change.

However, as I'm a total newbie to this HA/Elk thing, I didn't feel comfortable enough making many ElkRP changes, uploading all of them, and only doing this cycle once. As I found myself doing that cycle 5-10x/night, it got to be a serious PITA that just slowed me down, and that's why I think you're better off with the e-net off the bat.