email provider suggestions?


Senior Member
Have an old and a yahoo and gmail address.  Have used the sbcglobal for most things even now that I have dropped ATT as my internet provider.  Seems like it might be time to go to a new provider.  Figured it would be better to keep some things separate from google but might do that.  The yahoo address is giving me trouble because firefox always redirects to att when trying to log in and that doesn't work.  I can use a different browser and it stays at and logs in fine.  Just wanted to get some suggestions to widen my options...
Outlook works here fine.  (outlook dot com).  Old hotmail dot com doesn't work as well these days.  
Personal dot net email also works fine for me which Is a paid for email provider (from the 1990's).
Switched over to using Thunderbird Email application these last few days (rather than browser).
I have been using Thunderbird for quite a while but not for all accounts.  There is something that Thunderbird can't do - can't remember exactly but it has to do with log in passwords.  There are work arounds for most providers.
The only way I could live today is with my own domain.  They are cheap enough then add simple email.  So lets say your domain is  Now you can create unlimited emails to give out.  Lets say [email protected].   Then just add a simple forwarder to forward [email protected] to your REAL email, say [email protected].  Just keep a log, then if you ever start getting spam, or don't want to hear from them again, delete the forward, and now that email is worthless to anyone, especially spammers.  I use HostGator in Texas.  
I could never live without this today.  I hate spam.
I have many domains and 3 are personal name domains for my wife and I.  I have the main ones hosted with an email provider offering Zimbra.  It was great back when.  But not so much anymore.  I am currently evaluating Zoho and it looks good.  They even have a free tier that allows you to use your own domain.  It's worth a look.
I like Microsoft's offering.  But overkill for me (paid service).
But personal domains are the thing.  Always take it with you.