Etched Button for INSTEON-enabled Keypads


Active Member
Hello all,

I am happy to announce that we are in need of assistance. Due to overwhelming consumer demand (most recent thread we are going to be providing etched buttons for our INSTEON-enabled Keypads in the near future. :)

We are looking at creating either a kit with several of the most common names people use or individual buttons for purchase. I need you to post what you would like included in this list of names (e.g. “Movietimeâ€, “All On,†“Panic,†etc). Even if someone has already posted "Panic" and you would like to see it included please post it again so we can get a rough ranking on which are more popular than others.

We appreciate all feedback.

Here are the top few requests thus far:Garage
All Off
All On
Dining/Dining Room
Living Room
Attached is a list of words, that I merged from a couple sources. I am not saying all of these are good words for buttons, but they are at least possibilities.

It is only 2k, but I couldn't upload the raw text file of 240 words.

Edit: typo, changed the 32k to 2K


Awesome news, Mike. I'll give it some thought.

On a side note, do you have any trouble distinguishing which buttons are "lit" in daylight? This is a small setback to the keypadlincs, it seems to me. I don't suppose plastic would help any?
Here's what I'm using currently for KeypadLinc labels in my home:

Door Lock
All On
All Off
Vol Up
Vol Down
mwhistle, I took your list, added what I have on my KeypadLincs (which, by the way, are custom-etched labels (yes, Smarthome used to offer them and yes, they were outsourced to Lightolier)). I've alphabetized them and put them in a more compact format. Perhaps others can add what is on their custom keypads.

All Off, All On, Away, Bath, Bedroom, Bedtime, Bookshelf, Clean, Closet, Cook, Deck, Dine, Door Lock, Dryer, Dusk, Evening, Floodlight, Foyer, Garage, Goodbye, Goodnight, Guest, Home, Kitchen, Lamps, Living, Morning, Movie, Niche, Office, Radio, Reminders, Screen, Study, TV, Vol Down, Vol Up, Washer, Weather
we are going to be providing etched buttons for our INSTEON-enabled Keypads in the near future.

Mike, are you saying that you're going to change the type of buttons? Those hard plastic ones can't be etched. Are you going to the "rubber type" buttons?

If so, I think that would be very cool.
tanstaaf1 said:
On a side note, do you have any trouble distinguishing which buttons are "lit" in daylight? This is a small setback to the keypadlincs, it seems to me. I don't suppose plastic would help any?
All of our initial feedback during testing was the LEDs were TOO BRIGHT.

In the daytime they looked fine but in bedrooms they were hard to deal with (WAF). :) Way off into the future (years from now - so don't ask when this will be an option) this may be a customizable feature via software but for now you get to choose between the 2 levels of LED brightness. B)
Why not just have a tiny day/night sensor on it so it is automatically brighter during the day and dimmer at night?
Steve said:
Why not just have a tiny day/night sensor on it so it is automatically brighter during the day and dimmer at night?
Or settable through an Insteon command... ? That way your home controller could do this as a scheduled event.
SmartLabsMike said:
tanstaaf1 said:
On a side note, do you have any trouble distinguishing which buttons are "lit" in daylight? This is a small setback to the keypadlincs, it seems to me. I don't suppose plastic would help any?
All of our initial feedback during testing was the LEDs were TOO BRIGHT.

In the daytime they looked fine but in bedrooms they were hard to deal with (WAF). :) Way off into the future (years from now - so don't ask when this will be an option) this may be a customizable feature via software but for now you get to choose between the 2 levels of LED brightness. B)
Say WHAT? You can't see the light AT ALL in the daytime. Now, I'm talking about a situation where there is direct and near direct sunlight streaming past the KeypadLincs, but that is much of the afternoon through setting sun in probably half my house.
Guy Lavoie said:
Steve said:
Why not just have a tiny day/night sensor on it so it is automatically brighter during the day and dimmer at night?
Or settable through an Insteon command... ? That way your home controller could do this as a scheduled event.
That's an even better idea!

I haven't installed one in a bedroom yet, but can see how the brightness at night is a very valid concern.

During the day, I have a difficult time seeing which buttons are on in a few rooms unless I sheild them with my hand...

No issues with the KPL's, but regular SL's are way too bright for the bedroom. The blue light pipes are a must.
Herdfan said:
No issues with the KPL's, but regular SL's are way too bright for the bedroom. The blue light pipes are a must.
I use blue for off and green for the level bar in bedrooms. Nice look and minimum light at night.
SmartLabsMike said:
...We are looking at creating either a kit with several of the most common names people use or individual buttons for purchase. I need you to post what you would like included in this list of names (e.g. “Movietimeâ€, “All On,†“Panic,†etc)...
I would like to see the large buttons sold in pairs such as "Kitchen ON" and "Kitchen OFF".