It should be easy to put something fun together for the holidays with Z-Wave as well. I'd be willing to donate a few copies of our Z-Wave PC SDK to a few people. And I'd personally give you a 15-minute introduction to the SDK over the phone, to get you up and running immediately.
If any of you have some C# or VB.NET coding skills, this would probably be a weekend project--and you'd get lots of street cred
You could make:
* A web service/webcam combo which let people turn on/off your Christmas lights over the Internet
* A sychronized music/light display (like the one in this thread).
* Well, you all are a creative bunch, so I'll let you throw more ideas out here . . .
EDIT: We did some speed tests (for which I'll post elsewhere), and I think this is quite doable. We were able to achieve (with no extra performance tweaks) response times of 60ms (i.e. 16 on or off commands a second) with nodes in direct range, and full 2-way acknowledgement. Then, we created a special build which threw out the acknowledgements, and got ~30ms response times, or about 31 on or off commands a second! With some Intermatic HA02 or HA04 plug-in modules, a USB controller, a copy of the PC SDK, and some strands of LED Christmas lights, this is be _very_ doable.