Getting my M1XEP up and running again


Active Member
I have an M1G that I used to communicate with via the M1XEP. It has been a LONG time since I have tried connected to the M1G with my computer, because I have not really had the time or the need.
I just recently had to make some changes to the system because the installers of my new windows cut a couple of door sensors without telling me.
Here is my problem and what I have tried:
  • the XEP seems to be powered up fine and lights flash on the ethernet port. But it does not show up on my router. No evidence of the MAC for the XEP showing up on my network. It is plugged directly into the router. I have also tried plugging it in a different way just to make sure the ethernet cable is not bad or something like that. No dice.
  • I set up an old windows laptop with ElkRP2 and tried connecting directly to the serial port on the M1G board. I could not get that to work either. I get a "port already in use" error. I tried with two different USB-Serial adapters. One is a Keyspan USA-19S and the other is a Dtech one.

So I don't know if the XEP is malfunctioning or if the serial port is bad.
I could use some help with diagnosing what the problem is before I go spending money on a solution.
I do have a pair of XSPs in reserve that I can hook up if that will help

TIA for a any advice.
The ELK panel only allows a single communication stream at a time via it's serial port. Have you tied the alarm system into a larger automation network? If so, you need to remove/stop the alarm in the automation system before you will be able to communicate with the panel using the ElkRP2 software. This would explain the "port already in use" error that you are getting.
When I was getting that error, I was plugging the USB/Serial connector from my laptop right into the M1G board serial port. I had to unplug the XEP to do that. Is there something I need to do to unenroll the XEP? I tried doing the enroll step from the keypad to get it to recognize the XEP again, but from what I can tell in the documentation, there is no way to see from the keypad if that worked or not.
A long time back, I had the XEP communicating with Indigo app on my Mac, but I don't think that would count as tying it to automation like you are describing, would it?
A long time back, I had the XEP communicating with Indigo app on my Mac, but I don't think that would count as tying it to automation like you are describing, would it?
No, that shouldn't affect things now. It doesn't sound like you have any secondary device trying to communicate with the unit.

I assume you power cycled the XEP (not the whole ELK unit) as part of your troubleshooting? I know I occasionally will have a loss of communication and power cycling the XEP always brings it back up correctly.
I have cycled the XEP a few times. No dice there.
Don't recall if I tried cycling the M1G as well to reset the serial port, but I'll certain give that a try as well.
If it seems like the serial port is bad, could I use an XSP as a substitute for the main serial to connect the XEP? I have two of those lying around gathering dust.
I have cycled the XEP a few times. No dice there.
Don't recall if I tried cycling the M1G as well to reset the serial port, but I'll certain give that a try as well.
If it seems like the serial port is bad, could I use an XSP as a substitute for the main serial to connect the XEP? I have two of those lying around gathering dust.
I'm pretty sure the XEP must be connected to Port 0.
I did not have that page with the DHCP switch instructions in the old paper manual I have. Lesson there to check new documentation.

After flipping it to static and back to dynamic, I was able to get it to show up again. I suppose it my have been my new router threw it off in some way. The tool you linked to updated the firmware and now it shows up fine in RP2.
