We just got a new freezer for the garage, and I want to be able to monitor it's temp with HS. I would hate to have it die, trip a breaker or just go bad and loose hundreds of dollars of food.
I already have a Temp08, 1-wire network and sensor within inches of the freezer, so I plan on extending that to an extra sensor inside the freezer.
This 'should' be rather easy, I just have two issues/questions.
1> Where can I get cheap, flat wire to go into the freezer without leaving a leak at the lid. I have seen the stuff but can't find anything cheap, they all want me to buy 100' rolls and I only need 6" - I need to run the wire through the lid seal as there is no other easy, read 'non-warranty violating' methods, to get inside.
2> Has anyone had an experience with 'potting compound' ? I want to 'pot' the circuit board to protect it, but again I am unable to find anything cheap and I don't know if standard epoxy would work. I want something electrically insulating but thermally conductive. I only need a very small amount and hate to purchase $50 worth and end up with an extra gallon, although I could 'pot' the cat... oh wait that would get me into even more trouble...
My wife would kill me if this turned into another of my $100+ automation projects, heaven knows I already have too many of those! (although I have a killer doorbell)
I already have a Temp08, 1-wire network and sensor within inches of the freezer, so I plan on extending that to an extra sensor inside the freezer.
This 'should' be rather easy, I just have two issues/questions.
1> Where can I get cheap, flat wire to go into the freezer without leaving a leak at the lid. I have seen the stuff but can't find anything cheap, they all want me to buy 100' rolls and I only need 6" - I need to run the wire through the lid seal as there is no other easy, read 'non-warranty violating' methods, to get inside.
2> Has anyone had an experience with 'potting compound' ? I want to 'pot' the circuit board to protect it, but again I am unable to find anything cheap and I don't know if standard epoxy would work. I want something electrically insulating but thermally conductive. I only need a very small amount and hate to purchase $50 worth and end up with an extra gallon, although I could 'pot' the cat... oh wait that would get me into even more trouble...

My wife would kill me if this turned into another of my $100+ automation projects, heaven knows I already have too many of those! (although I have a killer doorbell)
