GRI surface mount window contacts


Senior Member
I really like the idea of having a resistor at the farthest. For a window surface mount sensor, how many resistors do we need? And is it also going to be 2.2k ohms?
Yes they are at the furthest end of the wire(sensor end) and you only need one resistor per zone... so if you plan on putting 2 windows on the same zone then you should only need one. remember to document which window has it and keep that documentation in the cabinet with the control.
mustangcoupe said:
Yes they are at the furthest end of the wire(sensor end) and you only need one resistor per zone... so if you plan on putting 2 windows on the same zone then you should only need one. remember to document which window has it and keep that documentation in the cabinet with the control.
I was thinking about zones while I was driving home yesterday and glad you brought up what I was thinking. :)

You mentioned 2 windows on the same zone. This is how I'm understanding your sentence. There will be 2 physical window contact sensors and will both of them are terminated to a single zone in the M1.

Am I correct?
Iam in the same situation, I need to start installing Window contacts when move to the new house in a month.

What is the model # for the GRI window contact you planning on purchasing. How much are they priced for.

So, if some one did not get a pre-installed contact like GRI, how will they put the EOL resistor to the contact. I though of getting the BasiX MiniSide contact as the one here , but got confused about installing EOL and hide it.

Well it depends on your type of contacts Normaly Open (NO) or Normaly Closed (NC)

I used NC contacts and just wired them in series with the resistor also in series with the contact

I wired mine as follows....
-------window1-------(wires connected in M1 panel)---------window2--resistor------

I ran a 2 conductor to both sensor locations from the M1 cabinet, in one location I attached both sensor wires to the wire comming from the M1 cabinet, in sensor location 2 I attached one lead from the sensor to one of the wires going to the M1, and the other is where I attached the resistor to the the other side of the resistor goes to the other wire to the M1(I also put shrink tube over the resistor and connections for safety as the resistor is in stuffed back into the window frame.) then in the M1 cabinet I connected one of the wires from sensor 1 to one of the wires of sensor 2. The other two wires are then connected to the zone of the M1.
mustangcoupe said:
I wired mine as follows....
-------window1-------(wires connected in M1 panel)---------window2--resistor------
It's hard to tell from your line drawing but are you really EOL protected? If you were to short the wires one foot away from window 1 what happens?
good point... now I need to think this multiple windows on one zone over.... how do you recommend to do this (or do you recommend every window on one zone)
It would make life a lot easier in the long run if you have each window/door per zone for troubleshooting purposes. Let's say two windows on one zone and the contact on window #1 is bad, you don't have time to replace or troubleshoot, now you will have to either bypass or disable BOTH windows. But if you wired each window per zone then you only have to bypass or disable ONE window.

If the wire is available at each window/door then no reason to gang them together unless you just want to do it.

An input expander is not all that expensive.
I agree - the only time to wire multiple windows together on one zone is if thats physically the only way to do it, as in some retrofits. Some pros do it but only because they are using cheapo 8 port panels or something like that. If you are fortunate enough to be able to prewire, and using a good expandable system, wire to each opening individually.
Dont even need to purchase a zone expander... I still have anough zones left . I just thought it was a good Idea. Sounds like I was wrong. I will be changing this tomorrow...
I think, I really need an extra M1XIN on the first floor. I didn't count the number of pairs going to single sensor but what I counted was those whole cable going to multiple sensors. Like for example, 2 window contacts are connected to single 22/4. I counted them as I before.

please see attachment.


  • elk_firstfloor_wiring.gif
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v1rtu0s1ty said:
I need your help folks. I just finished ordering this window contacts for my testing

Can I connect the 2200 ohms with this? By the way, is this product a normally close or open?


I noticed this statement in the specifications of that sensor:

Built-in E.O.L. resistors and diodes upon request

So it looks like you can get the resistor built into the unit, which means you will not have to use an external one.

As far as normally open or closed, it looks like you can order them either way (clicked on the "View Data Sheet" towards the bottom of that page).