HAI OMNI is still wonderful for its all-systems integration, what about " it's future"?


Everything about our second home is integrated with an OMNI-2E system for Lighting, HVAC, Security, and some critical hesting and venting automated with dependencies on inside and outside humidity and temperature inputs while outside temperature ranges from +100 to -30 Fahrenheit . My low-tech wife loves the Leviton-Snaplink phone app that lets her do everything to monitor and control this home while away from our actual home or when traveling.

Is there a chance that Leviton will nurture the OMNI products to keep them useful into future . . such as adding compatibility with devices that arn't X10 or UPB and continuing support of its thermostats and other perpherals ?

When our OMNI quits working I have big problems because very few of our controls have a conventional physical presence in our home.