Pete's Blog Hamclock for amateur radio hobby folks

Blog posts by pete_c


I was a ham operator in the 1960's and thinking of getting back to it.....

Installed this software on one of my tabletop touchscreens this week....runs great...

This Raspberry Pi HamClock is Perfect for Amateur Radio Enthusiasts

The tabletops here are modded Intel based touchscreens....

Posted the O2 Joggler build over here ==>

Joggler Debian current OS and Hamclock installation image

Johnathan 2E0LXQ first proposed this and I tested it to work great on the O2 Joggler.

You can install Hamclock on any old PC or Laptop or tablet

Here is a picture of the O2 Joggler - Apple killer originally pushed by John Sculley after he left Apple...
One of the first cloud based computers over 10 years ago....built in Gb, WiFi, Bluetooth, Zigbee, DECT....
Original OS was Linux - Flash personally runs Windows, Linux and Android....


It's a cool little program. I run it in a VM so I can display it on any of my monitors or computers.