hi everyone Im a newbie in the homeautomation topic and I have been reading as much as I can and learning about this exciting theme.
If anyone can help me I want to know whats the difference or adavantages in controlling a home automation with a software like homeseer and a computer or with an HAI hardware or any other kind ELM etc.
Can you achieve the same results?
Whats better?
if anyone can sugest me tutorials to read and articles to see what can I achieve with the different solutions.
If I understand correctly the difference is that with homeseer you need a pc as a server always turned on right?
Thanks for your help.
If anyone can help me I want to know whats the difference or adavantages in controlling a home automation with a software like homeseer and a computer or with an HAI hardware or any other kind ELM etc.
Can you achieve the same results?
Whats better?
if anyone can sugest me tutorials to read and articles to see what can I achieve with the different solutions.
If I understand correctly the difference is that with homeseer you need a pc as a server always turned on right?
Thanks for your help.