To everyone on these boards, I would highly recommend FrontPoint Security Solutions of McLean, VA (they offer service pretty much everywhere in the U.S.). They offer absolutely TOP NOTCH customer service, use *wireless cellular DATA channels* to communicate from your home to the central station (no cut wires can disable your phone! -- wireless to the CS is the only way to go in my book!), offer the most impressive web (or wireless web via blackberry, etc) control with the most impressive feature set I've ever seen (if you don't believe me, go to and check out the demo), and hands down, offer the best value for what you get in REAL security (meaning security that can't be defeated by simply cutting a phone/dsl/cable line... this is why Internet monitoring, in most cases, is little better than phone monitoring... and you can't REALLY monitor for cut internet lines and dispatch on that... I mean really, every time your Internet goes down you're supposed to rush home and/or dispatch the police... I mean, really?!?). One thing to note: unlike the likes of NextAlarm, which kludges together technologies that only sometimes works the way it should to give you full functionality (like dscline mentions), has built their technology from the ground up, and tightly integrated their technology in a partnership with GE Security. does not offer their technology direct to consumers any longer, so you must go through a dealer, and I highly recommend Frontpoint Security for that. Don't take my word for it... check out all the 5-star reviews they have with a simple Google search on "FrontPoint Security". Then check out their website, also easily found with a Google search.
Further thoughts on AlarmRelay: They are usually not easy to contact by phone and once you do, it's hard to get much information from them as to how their system works. I think this is partly to do with competitive reasons, and partly because if people knew how simplistic and what a kludge the system was, fewer would be interested. And at the end of the day, since the signals to them still travel over wires from your house, it can be easily disabled in most cases.
AlarmRelay: I have heard very good things about this company. They seem to have a good reputation on the web, which is fairly rare in this industry... FrontPoint is the only other company I can say this about (that I know of). I have never directly used AlarmRelay's service, though came close. I did call and ask them several questions in my search, and they always were responsive and knowledgeable. I probably would have gone with them if I hadn't have found and FrontPoint Security shortly thereafter. If you do go with AlarmRelay, I would definitely go with the wireless cellular communications model, which is quite a bit more than their standard land line phone plan, but still reasonable compared to other cell monitoring plans. However, once you upgrade to that, you could get FrontPoint's standard cellular monitoring for about the same price, or their much better, full-featured Interactive cellular monitoring for a little above that (which is what I have and highly recommend... it's worth the little bit extra)!
One other really nice thing about technology through Frontpoint is how they implement alarm pending: if the system is armed & a sensor is tripped, even if it's still in the disarm window, a signal is sent right away to's servers as to the tripped sensor and to expect a subsequent disarm code shortly... and if that doesn't occur, servers contact the central station to initiate an alarm response. So an intruder would have only about 5 seconds to locate and destroy your control panel from the second a sensor is triggered (good luck with that!). Contrast this to most alarm systems, which only begin to initiate a response after the disarm period is up, then still has to dial out and transmit the alarm codes... so an intruder would probably have at least 40 seconds in most cases.
Anyway, enough. However, I do want to say I am in no way employed or compensated by or FrontPoint Security. I'm just a very satisfied customer of theirs and try to get the word out where I can. I'm also interested in this industry in general, so have some Google Alerts set up for various subjects, and so often run across opportunities to post good comments for Frontpoint. But lots of other people have posted great reviews for FrontPoint Security and as well. If you don't believe me or just want to talk to me about it, feel free. You can contact me at 925.265.1376 or
[email protected].
Hope this helps,