Ok, I have given up on the HSPCI modem. I have seen post after post about the NetCallerID box. I found 2 links to them and both links were outdated and dead. NetCallerID comes up nada with an Ebay search.
Where can one purchase a NetCallerID box to interface to HomeSeer?
I just found one at http://www.electronicdiscountsales.com After EXTENSIVE searching of this and the HS board.
I bought one, but what an unpleasant experiance! The only payment method they except is PayPal (I HATE PayPal), and it opened in a new window. The window was VERY small, and NOT resizable! I had to scroll over, up, down, left, right and all over the darned place to fill out the PayPal information!
Oh well, I got it for $11 with shipping, so I can't complain... or can I
Where can one purchase a NetCallerID box to interface to HomeSeer?
I just found one at http://www.electronicdiscountsales.com After EXTENSIVE searching of this and the HS board.
I bought one, but what an unpleasant experiance! The only payment method they except is PayPal (I HATE PayPal), and it opened in a new window. The window was VERY small, and NOT resizable! I had to scroll over, up, down, left, right and all over the darned place to fill out the PayPal information!
Oh well, I got it for $11 with shipping, so I can't complain... or can I