Priority 1 at HS is the customer. So many (or I suspect few) complain that all we care about is $. In case you did not notice, the HA software industry is tiny. We love what we do, and if I could, I would gladly do it for FREE! However, I have bills to pay, so we are trying a business model that will keep us growing.
It pains me when I see someone post ("all HS cares about is the $"), and this tends to keep me off the boards. That is so far from the truth. There are so many projects that we have worked on that cost the user's nothing. Have you noticed? Insteon cost us a bundle (in time and $), and its free. All our thermostat plugins, including some new ones, are all free. Helpdesk support, all free. Yes, we charge for some plugins. If everything we worked on were free, we would have been out of business a long time ago. This market is not large enough to sell a single app, then continue to grow by selling to new users. It takes much more, upgrades (plugins), hardware sales, etc. We are still trying to find the right recipe. If you look at the competitors products, I think HS is WAY underpriced. Is there another package that does what HS does?
Hopefully there are only a few that think we are just $ hungry. I think many understand that we are dedicated to HA and are always looking for ways to make it better. There are many new projects at HS right now that are very exciting. I cannot give out details, but I can say they will not be free (but they will be well worth it), and they are based on feedback from YOU, our users.
So please stop posting the false information about HS being $ hungry and post something constructive like what new HA feature you want to see in the future. We save all feature requests we get and review them when we start a new release.
As for this thread, we have reached out to Stipus, ball is in his court. The issue was simply a misunderstanding by both parties, these things happen.
-Rich Helmke
HomeSeer Technologies LLC