Just wondering, if I got a copy of HAL or Homeseer, I could integrate it with some electronics I made. Via a serial port, I have a PICAXE chip. At the moment this controls 2 strings of LEDs in the skirting board of my landing. IE, I can via a small VB app, fade up and down some small white LEDs. If I could expand this so, for instance in Homeseer setup something so that if it detects motion at night, it ramps up the LEDs to 50% or something or does HAL/Homeseer not support this kind of thing.
Controlling it is simple, and just uses basic instructions I've programmed (can even be done with terminal or something).
Also, does Homeseer have voice recognition?
Just wondering, if I got a copy of HAL or Homeseer, I could integrate it with some electronics I made. Via a serial port, I have a PICAXE chip. At the moment this controls 2 strings of LEDs in the skirting board of my landing. IE, I can via a small VB app, fade up and down some small white LEDs. If I could expand this so, for instance in Homeseer setup something so that if it detects motion at night, it ramps up the LEDs to 50% or something or does HAL/Homeseer not support this kind of thing.
Controlling it is simple, and just uses basic instructions I've programmed (can even be done with terminal or something).
Also, does Homeseer have voice recognition?